Kidnap!~(Special Chapter~)

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Hi guys! this is my update for you guys


On this Day Tobi/Madara and Sakura decided to have a stroll outside the base.In the Training grounds

"Sakura-chan what do you want to do today?"

 "Let's play Tobi-nii!!"

"What do you want to play together with Tobi?"

"Lets play Hide and clap!" the little girl exclaim as she jump up and down

 [Ayah's Note: for the people not familiar with this please watch THE CONJURING hahahaha]

 "Okay,Tobi will start to count ok? don't go too far," Tobi said to the little girl before he cover his lone eye [hole if you asked me] and started his counting

 "One...Two....Three....Four....Fiv-" he didn't even finished his counting when he felt the little girls chakra signature gone and a flash of two unfamiliar chakra signature up in and gone as soon as he felt it.

"Sakura!" Madara let his true self slip and he instantly disappeared to find his beloved little girl

'Don't worry I'll find and save you!Sakura!' the almighty Uchiha Though as he search


I'm really glad that you guys like this story  

and Flattered that you want me to continue this.

And I'm still thinking if I'll continue this.Oh and don't forget to read my Other Story 

"My True Identity"

P.S one week and 3 or more days before i go home to my hometown and of course as soon as i got home I can update frequently

Hope you'll understand

Anyway don't Forget to

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Ja nee~

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