DJ Did Whattt❓❗

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So I got a code red text from my best friend Maddi. I'm rushing out of DJ house. I get in the car and "Damn" !! I forgot my keys, so I went back in the house. All of a sudden I heard DJ say , " I love you too bae." My mouth dropped , but I was thinking, "I'll handle him when I get back, but now I got to go. The whole ride to my best friend apartment, I was just tinking, " who the fuck was on the phone? Is he cheating on ME?"

I arrived at her house and knocked on the door hard as hell. She opened it with a ," girllll you gone be mad when I show you this but..." Look. I walked in and said, "what's code red!?" She kept looking at me shocked.. Suddenly, she said ," girllllll DJ." I said ,"DJ what??!" She said, " I was at the mall yesterday with Trent, and I saw DJ shopping with this bitch. I think her name was destiny, yeah destiny." I was sooooo shocked over the fact it was with a fucking Thot. I was most shocked how my own boy best friend didn't say one mother f*cking word to me. I said," that bitch cheating on me with a fuc-" she interrupted me and said," destiny she was like" we still rocking for 2 years."

I really got shocked. I said thanks while holding my head down. " I got to go, I'll see you later." I walked out the door, in my car, and drove off. I got on my phone and I had 3 messages from DJ and 6 from David. It was 10:25.I didn't have work today. I was thinking about why didn't my own boy best friend tell me. So , first thing I did was call him and asked him what he was doing. He said nothing so I pulled up on his ahh. I walked straight in his house. He was smoking and looked high as fuck, like always. I said, " why the fuck you, my own best friend for 7 years, didn't tell me yo best friend, DJ, was cheating on me with the Thot?!? He said ," I didn't tell you because I didn't wanna hurt your feelings , and that's my best friend too, I can't snitch on my man." I said ,"" He kept calling my name but I ran out the door. I got in my car and got a text from David saying," meet me at my house I got to talk to you." I text him back saying ," be there in 10 minutes."

I arrived at his house. I wonder if he'll notice I was crying. I knocked on the door and he opened it. I had my head down the whole time. I said , " can I come in or what?" He stepped back and I walked in. He took his hand and grabbed my Chin and pushed my head up. He said, " you high?" I said ," nope." He said ," you been crying or some?" I said , " maybe, anyways what do we have to talk about cau- . he interrupted me with a kiss. I pushed away from him and said, " we not doing this , this shit over." He said, " damm its like that? Ok....well I just wanted to tell you .........." Tell me what? "Well umm I got sum going on with destiny." I was thinking," OMG , SHE LOVING THE CREW! " I didn't want it to  seem like I was hating so I just said, " ok that's cool." He said ," I'ma always have your back , you know ifwy tuff." I looked at him and smiled and gave him a hug. He said, " that's all a nigga get?" I said while opening the door, " go ask destiny for more." He started laughing. Then I left.

I didn't want to say shit to DJ, he pissed me off. Although, I drove to his house cause I didn't want to be at my house alone. When I got there he was on the couch, crying. I rushed over and kept asking, "what happen? Are you ok? DJ?" He said," my mom.." At that moment, I kind of new where he was going with this... So I grabbed his hand and he put his head on my shoulder,crying. I was speechless. He wiped his tears and was thanking me for always being there for him even though he did some fucked up shit. I was just listening and in tears at the same time. We fell asleep.

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