week one hundred two | serenity

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on monday night we arrived back in the keys and spent the rest of the night chatting up my mom about our honeymoon.

on tuesday our routine went back to normal and once again i met abbie for lunch at the cafe.
there was a bit of serenity to that day and that's what i think i liked best.

on wednesday abbie left work early saying she was feeling sick. when i came home later that evening she was passed out and made sure alex kept her distance in case she was contagious.

on thursday abbie stayed home while i ventured to work for three meetings and a daily guitar class.
that night abbie seemed to have gotten slightly better.

on friday we carried on with our day while abbie stayed home once again. i got her to eat something for dinner but she couldn't keep it down much later.

on saturday i wrote.

it may be unfair, but what happens in a few days
sometimes even in a single day,
can change the whole course of a lifetime.

on sunday i took alex to the park and for a short visit to my parents house.
on sunday night i came home and found abbie lying on the floor with vomit covering her clothes.
that night was the one that scared me the most.

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