week two hundred ninety-nine | two months

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on monday i sat quietly next to abbie's bed as i watched rain pelt the window and the palm trees sway. she woke up late afternoon and shyly smiled as she saw the sun shining through the glass. the light illuminated the many wings of traveling butterflies.

"i love butterflies, mikey." she stated with a happy heart.

"would you like to go out and see them?" i asked turning to her as her eyes lit up with joy.

"really? are you sure they'll let me leave?"

"yes, i asked them earlier this morning. they told me you're getting better," i grabbed her hand in mine, "you're coming home, abbie."

on tuesday we spent most of the day walking the halls of st. anthony regional hospital. abbie's eyes were the brightest shade of blue i've seen ages and her skin glowed under the harsh lights.

"thank you, mikey." she gleamed as we sat in the cafeteria. "i really appreciate you being here so much. it means a lot."

"where else would i rather be than with my beautiful wife?" i inquired with a smirk and a light push to her shoulder.

on wednesday i worked and then went to teach my guitar class. they asked how abbie and alex were doing; i told them alex was doing fantastic and abbie was getting better, she may even be coming home this weekend.

on thursday my mom asked me to stay with alex for the day as she had to run some errands and meet with a few clients. alex and i had a wonderful day together and i could tell she was glad to see her father again for more than a few hours.

on friday rachel and abbie's sister, emma stopped by for a while talking with abbie about the latest additions in their lives and how their families are doing. her eyes glossed over and dimmed in color when emma began talking about her parents.

"tell them i love and miss them, emmy." abbie spoke hoarsely. "please tell them that i wish they would visit soon."

emma nodded her head with a small smile, "i will pass the message along. i'm sure mom and dad would love to see you too."

at first i was confused as why they would have to visit soon, but then i figured they lived out of town so it was hard for them to travel and the closest holiday was easter, so it would be easier that way. god, i can't wait until i can take her home with me on sunday.

on saturday i wrote.

i'm thinking that it might actually be possible for things to work out sometimes. definitely not everything and maybe not the way you imagined. but sometimes, when you least expected it, life surprises you.

on sunday i arrived late evening to the hospital with a fresh bag of abbie's clothes. alex and my mother decided to tag along, but decided they would wait in the lobby to surprise abbie once she left her room.

"mikey, i need to ask you a favor." her voice was quiet and her eyes were bloodshot.


"i want to see alex."

"well, you can see her right now. let's go home baby."

she shook her head slightly as a tear fell onto her cheek. "i'm not going anywhere, mikey. i can't go home."

"why? i thought you were better - you are better. let's go!"

"michael stop! i'm not leaving, i can't." tears were continuously falling from her crystal eyes. "i know they thought i was better, but so much can happen in a week. my body just can't keep up with what the doctors say. i can barely keep up with this treatment."

"i don't understand, i thought your cancer was dormant."

"malignant cancer is never dormant, michael. malignant cancer is always alive and spreading."

"but i want you to come home. i've made so many impro-"

"michael. you need to stop and listen to me." she said sternly, grabbing a hold of my wrist.


"these tumors are eating me alive." she paused and continued shortly after. "this cancer is alive, you are alive, and i am alive, but not for much longer."

"how long?"

"two months."

i instantaneously began to sob as she carried on, "michael, i love you and alex so very, very much. so please, comply with my requests in my last two months. it's all i want."

i agreed and she handed me a piece of paper with her requests written nicely across the lines.

"i love you so much, abigail."

"i love you more."

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