week one hundred-nineteen | i wrote a song

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on monday i rode the elevator up to the sixth floor. it was quiet up there. so eerily quiet that it made me uneasy. the door dinged and the halls were quiet. so was her room.

"hello, beautiful." i whispered kissing her hand.

on tuesday her room was once again silent, the only noise was the monotone beeping of the monitors. abbie slept most of the day and when she did awake, she was puking again. i knew what this meant.

"you can do it, beautiful."

on wednesday abbie achieved a full six hours of sleep and vomited only twice. her parents and alex came to visit today. her heart was happy while mine felt heavy.

"i love you so much, beautiful."

on thursday i took abbie for a walk around the halls. she spoke and she was quiet, but i loved the sound of her voice. as she dozed off for sleep that night, i wiped the tear that slipped from her eye.

"stay strong, beautiful."

on friday i brought my guitar to the hospital. as i rode the elevator the halls were muted once more. this quiet was different than the rest; it wasn't eery and unsettling, it was almost comforting. i knew she felt it too.

"i wrote a song for you, beautiful."

on saturday i wrote.

your eyes are so very beautiful, darling. it seems like an endless universe, with so much to see but not enough time to ever fully capture the beauty.

on sunday as i sat in the uncomfortable chair next to abbie's bed, i watched as the liquid dripped from the bag into the tube and finally rested in her arm. her head lolled to the side and her eyes fluttered open. a small smile spread across her face as i returned the gesture.

"good morning, handsome." she said sheepishly before reaching up and caressing my face. "i love you so much."

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