Locker Room

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Sasuke's point of view
Today has been going by so slowly since I asked to sit with Naruto and his cliché weirdo friends. It is first period though so I can stare at Naruto all I want, but right now he is staring at the annoying pink haired Sakura with love in his ocean blue eyes. Why can't he look at me that way? I am way better then her bitchy ass! She is never going to return his feelings and I should know since its me who she is obsessed with! Her and her little crew follow me around like lost little puppies. It's so freaking annoying!

"Pst. Naruto." I whisper to the blonde beside me. He didn't hear me, too damn lost in thought, so I whisper again. "Hey Dobe."

"Huh?" He says now directing his eyes at me. His eyes are looking right at my own and he can't help but blush slightly. He acts so adorable.

"Where should I meet you before lunch?" I ask quietly. Honestly I just wanted his attention on me and not bubblegum.

"How about my locker?" He silently whispers to me with his hand blocking his mouth as though it made him more secretive.

"Deal." I say before seeing a white price of chalk landing on his head.

"Sasuke and Naruto! Detention. Maybe next time you will pay attention to the lesson." States Iruka and I look over at Naruto to see him holding his head.

"That hurt Sensai! And why are you blaming me, I was paying attention until teme started to talk to me." I stare at him. Why did he rat me out and worst of all it's not even the truth before he was staring at the back of Sakura's dumb head.

Once the bell rings we part ways going to our different classes. I have History and he has his math class. Today we are just reviewing so I don't care to pay any attention to Guy Sensei. He's so creepy he has a perfect bowl shaped hair cut and he always wears all green except an orange belt. I watched the clock tick as I thought about what lunch would be like.

Time skip
"Naruto." I called down the hall when I saw him grabbing his lunch money from his messy locker. How does it even become that dirty in a week?

"Hey Sasuke. You ready?" He asked once I got to where he stood. He gave me his big bright grin before his eyes looked over and say one of his group members. "Hey Hinata." Giving her a big smile and a little wave as she turned a dark shade of blush.

"H-hey Naruto." She replied quietly to him as she twiddled with her thumbs. I walked over to her along side Naruto to the cafeteria. My phone buzzed in my pocket as we were almost to the doors of the lunch room so I took it out to see a text message from Itachi so I placed it back into my pants.

Kiba and Shino were already sitting at the table and waved us over once we had our lunch except for me because Naruto must've not told them that I was joining. "Sasuke you're sitting with us today." Kiba questioned with annoyment in his voice.

"Yeah I asked Naruto if I could this morning." I say while placing my lunch down beside my sweet Naruto. Shino just sat there in a gray shirt with black circle sunglasses acting like nothing happened.

Lunch was pretty boring most of the time Naruto complained about how lunch should be ramen instead of chicken sandwiches or Kiba talked about his dog, over and over again. Once it was over me and Naruto had PE class together so I didn't have to go to my locker. When we got there Naruto started stripping down into just his boxers and I couldn't help but watch as I did the same. Sadness came over me when he started putting on his gym shorts and shirt and then he left the locker room and I followed close behind him.

After gym with my love we went back to change, and once both of us were the very last ones left I couldn't stop myself from wanting to kiss and devour him. I walked over to where he was, "Are you ready Sasuke?" He asked before I grabbed his small hands and pushed his back up against the wall of lockers. "Sasuke wh-what are you do-doing?" He said with worry in his shaky voice.

"What does it look like? I want a kiss." I say leaning up to his face when the door suddenly opens and the tenth grade boys begin enter to get ready for their class. I then drag Naruto into a shower stall, trying to avoid the older boys. I look at Naruto to see him crying. I can't do anything to him now, it'd make me feel to guilty. "Listen Naruto I'm sorry. I swear I wasn't going to do anything. I was just kidding." I lied wiping away his salty tears. "Please stop crying." I asked.

"Well it 'sniff' wasn't funny. I like someone else. " he said as I rubbed his back while we waited for everyone to leave the room. "Are they gone yet?" He asked.

"Almost there is just a few left." I told him still grasping his hands. I turned to face him to see his tears now dried but no usual goofy smile. "I really am truly sorry." He then blushed at my words and the last pair of shoes exited the room. "All clear." As we stood up our hands still linked as we dashed out and down to an empty hallway.

"Hey do want to let go of my hand now." He reminded me and I turned to a cherry red and unlinked hands.

"Naruto. Do want to come over to my house tonight?" I asked hoping to get to see his adorable blushing cheeks.

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