Shitty Update

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Dear readers,
This book is coming to an end soon but I will make a sequel once this book is finished.

Ps look how cute Naruto is above!! XD please check out my new book Sweet Dreams;A Childhood SasuNaru! Ok now read on. SOWWY it took me so long to even provide this lousy chapter.

3rd Point of view
"So anyway now that you guys are aquainted, Sasuke can now go home." Naruto spoke nervously, as he tried to push his boyfriend out the door. "Move! Itachi is probably waiting for you so go!"

"Come on Naruto can't I stay and learn more about you a little longer." Teased Sasuke with an evil smirk. 'Why?! God why?!' Yelled Naruto in his mind that never seemed to be able to escape the torture. 'One last push!' He thought as Sasuke was starting to tip out the door. "Come on Naruto I won't do anything to embarrass you." Said the persistent Raven while Jiraiya was not to sure exactly what was happening.

"Fine but only two minutes." Says Naruto giving in to the temptation. To make sure his love completely understands he holds up two fingers.

"Only two? But I want to see you more." Sasuke teased wrapping his arms around his bae holding Naruto to his chest.

"Let me go! I want to be free!" Naruto yelled squirming in the other boys hold as Jiraiya watched plainly from the viewing spot of the couch. "I said let me go!"

"Never." Teme said with a smirk holding his dobe tighter until his godfather cleared his throat to grab the attention of the idiots.

"So did it take a while for you two to get together?" Pervy Safe asks now becoming more serious and well mannered, if that was even possible for him.

"Well yeah but he was just so cute I had to get him. He was my love at first sight." Sasuke says as he stares down at his adorable blonde.

Jiraiya gave Sasuke a questionable look before opening his mouth to spew words at them, "So you are saying you only met him once and bam both of you were in love?"

"No, I hated him up until about the day before our first date. He just was such a creep I felt if I didn't go out with him, he would send me a finger in a box or something." Naruto monotonously stated, as if it was a cruel joke but sadly not.

"I thought you loved me?!" Screamed a pissed Sasuke at his idiot dobe that sat calmly on the couch now.

"Just because I love you doesn't mean I can't think you were a creepy yandare before that." Naruto replied back, still monotone, to the mysterious boy in his house. Sasuke stared at his boyfriend with an angry expression that soon calmed down, because he knew it was true.

"Well, I better be heading to my hotel, and you guys better work this out before Wednesday." Pervy Sage commanded.

"Wait, your staying at a hotel? That's weird. Normally you'd be sleeping at a random ladies house." Naruto joked, but truly was being serious in all ways possible.

      "No, one time I stayed at Kurama's."

      "Yeah when you were so drunk you couldn't even form words of a preschool level!" Naruto shot back as a burn.

      "Oh, get wrecked." Said Kyu from the door entrance of the house, back from his pleasuring.

      "When the heck did you get here?" Asked Sasuke with a blank face, like he would before he met Naru.

       "You know Jiraiya these two got some big problems. Sasuke's favorite color is not red or orange." Said Kurama as if the whole world was crashing down on their very selves.

      "So opposites attract." Teme outspoke his opinion that no one seemed to care for at the time.

       "Yes, but only in science. That means not in love." Sweetly explain the fox like red head to the dumb little children sitting in front of his eyes.

      "You know Kyu you seem like you let out some steam. Did you meet someone?" Pervy Sage says wiggling his eye brows up and down making Kyu pretty pissed that he could guess so easily that he could guess weird things like that.

      "Piss off old man." Kurama growls before taking a seat between his cousin and the boy he found a nuisance. How the hell did he guess I had sex? Hm...I wonder if Kit has lost his virginity yet? Probably not, although then again Sasuke seems like a sadistic bastard. He better not have laid a hand on him yet!

"Are you listening I said move! I was sitting by Naru!" Yells the furious emo.

"Only if you can answer one question."

"What?" Asks Sasuke obviously pissed, and to add to it Naruto wraps his arms around one of Kyu's.

"I told you, you cared about me." Naruto says with a little laugh following. "Kyu is nice! Kyu is nice! Kyu I-" he was cut off by Kurama blocking his mouth before the idiot could ruin his rep anymore.

"Anyway, I practically raised Naruto until he moved here so I want to know you aren't going too far with him. So have you two had sex yet?" He asks with a straight face, make Jiraiya laugh stupidly at the question.

"I wish...he refuses to do it."

"Good boy Naruto." Kyu praises removing his hand from over Naruto's mouth. "I taught you well little cousin." He says patting the blondes hair.

"Don't touch him he's mine!" Growled Teme at Kurama who smirked devishly at the Raven as he rubbed his head. "Now let me sit by him."

"Ok, fine. But I think your two minutes are up." Kyu snickers.

      "How did you know that?" Raged Sasuke.

     "Guess he is right bye bastard." Says Naruto walking to the door. Sasuke quickly stood up knowing he better not argue or else no kisses for a while, just in case he decided to take one as he left the musty apartment.

      "Bye Sunshine." Teme said heading down and placed a kiss on his lips like one of the ones from earlier that day in the movie. He licked his lip for entrance but his cutie pushed him off and shut the door behind Sasuke. Sasuke was quite satisfied leaving his blonde blushing deeply.

SOWWY it's so late!!! DX Please forgive me!! I love all of you guys so much and sorry for making you wait for this. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥
️Anyway if any of you would check out my new book sweet dreams that would make me really happy!!! Love you guys.

1117 words

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