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Sasuke's point of view
       I reach down to the ringing phone in my pocket. "Hey Itachi. I just got home where are you?" I ask over the phone.

      "That's why I called I won't be coming home tonight."

      "Oh I see." I say with a small smirk as Naruto in the background is eating carrots that I said that if he ate them I'd let him have ramen. "So a girl? Or two?" My brother had been a player when he dated before but after our parents died a while back he stopped dating people for the sake of me.

     "Yeah just one...Well don't make a mess and make sure your 'sunshine' goes home." He states and I hear small mumbling in the background but I pay no mind. "Got to go bye." Itachi explains before hanging up on me.

Kurama's point of view
      Me and Itachi hop in his car after I help him put his groceries in the trunk. "So what do you do for a living?" The black haired boy asks starting the ignition.

"Actually I just graduated from college. I start my teaching job after Thanksgiving break." I say grinning.

"Let me guess 12th grade."

"No I am going to be teaching kindergarten." I reply back shocking Itachi as we stop at the light. "Why are you so surprised."

"Well you don't look like a kid person, that's just all."

"I love kids in fact I want 5. Two girls and three boys. How many do you want."

"I think that my little brother is enough for me right now, although it would be nice to have some of my own." Itachi answers and my heart skips a beat. What is this shitty feeling of embarrassment? "Why did you turn so red?" He asks starting to drive once again.

"Nothing just thinking being in you. Yeah that's all." I reassure myself. What is up I am supposed to be invisible?

"So what district?"

"Huh?" I say giving a confused look.

"What school district will you be teaching at?" Itachi asks looking back at me before back at the road.

     "It is one town away where my uncle Iruka used to teach." I answer back remembering all my memories of the town.

     "Isn't that Naruto's uncle too?" The ravenette asks glancing over to me for a reply.

     "Yeah that's my cousin. How do you know him?" Itachi starts to laugh for some unknown reason. "Don't have to be a dick face." I growl.

     "Sorry it's just that...'laughs'...your cousin is dating my little brother." He says breaking out in giggles as we pull into the hotel parking lot.

     "So your related to that ugly bastard. Well that's a surprise, you know he is really disrespectful. I saw them at the movies and he is a complete ass."

    "He really only smiles around Naruto. He is like a robot." Itachi explains.

     "Well at least he does that." I reply back opening my door and getting out. We had left my motorcycle at the grocery store parking lot. "So what do you work as?" I ask him.

"I am just an owner of a small office."

"What kind of office?" I ask because he clearly gave nearly nothing to go off of.

"Just a small accounting firm. The Uchiha Co. one. Nothing special. It does make some good money though." Itachi tells me as we walk to the elevator of the brick building.

     "Hello." Says a girl as she steps out of the hotel elevator.

       "Well let's go my dear." Jokes Itachi as we hop on the elevator.

     "I am the man you are my fucking bride." I say before pulling him up to me. "Now be quiet, my dear." I tease before leaning in and taking a kiss from him. I trust my tongue into his mouth and roam not allowing him any power in the kiss.

'Ding' went the doors and I pull away grabbing his hand and dragging him to my room door before I slide the key in the scanner. When I heard the click I open the door and shut it as we both enter.

We start to strip of our shirts and pants leaving us both in our boxers. Itachi steps over to me as we stare in each other's eyes he starts to remove my boxers and I can't help but blush. Why do I keep fucking doing that? I quickly pull down his and push him down onto the bed.

"Shall we start Kurama?" Itachi teases taking my manhood into his hand as he slowly starts to pump it. (Author://///////)

Naruto's point of view
Me and Sasuke are driving back to my apartment at the time being. "Your cousin is weird you know." Teme states all of the sudden as we still drive along.

"I know but he is really nice."

"He stuck his middle finger up at you when you replied that he missed you. Is that what you call nice?" Sasuke says sounding a bit irritated by me.

"Well at least he doesn't try to have sex with me when I want to stay a virgin like someone." I mumble to myself.

"I heard that dobe."
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That's the last update for today hope you like it I will continue the Kurama and Itachi scene in the next chapter.

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