A Date

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Sorry that I got grounded. If you didn't know I am doing all of this in school. Also one of my best friends Luke made an account he is at LoverBoyLuke25 go and check him out. He ships SasuNaru (I know best friend ever) and loves other stuff like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and other fandoms. He wants to marry Sakura and is bipolar. Please follow him or at least check him out. Enjoy.

Sasuke's point of view
"Hey Naruto. Sorry about yesterday I was a little drunk." I speak into the receiver of my house phone because I was grounded from mine for my 'stunt' I did last night.

"I-it's ok I know you weren't in your normal state of mind." Naruto says shyly over the phone. "Don't forget once it's Wednesday you're coming with me to my family's house." He points out in his normal goofy state unlike a moment ago causing a small smile to appear on my face.

     "Ok dobe."

     "Can I pretty please come over today?" Asked Naru in a cute way. I let out a sigh at how childish my boyfriend is and decide to let him.

      "Sure." He sets down the phone and you can hear cheering in the background from himself. I let out a little chuckle and hang up knowing he won't. We only live a few minutes away from each other in walking time so I better change.

      "So he's coming over huh?"

     "How do you know that Itachi?"

      "There is another home phone in the basement dummy." He replies before turning and walking back to his cave he calls a bed room. More like a fort of candy wrappers, dirty clothes, and pillows. He is about as sloppy as my love.

Time skip
I heard a knock on my front door and knowing who it is I tried to walk a little faster than normal so me and my darling will meet just a few seconds sooner. Man I sound like such a girl these days all lovely dovey. "Hey cutie!" Speaks my Naruto in a delicate coo. Slowly leaning down I place a peck on his nose and turn back walking into my kitchen.

       "So what do you want to do today dobe?" I question taking a seat at the counter and take a quick sip of water I was drinking earlier.

     "Can you call me Sunshine again? I like that nickname better." Complains my 'sunshine' from the opposite side of the dark granite counter. I just nod hoping he will answer my question soon. "So Mr.Emo may we go to the movie theater?" He says all proper and irregular for him.

      "Sure grab my keys. I'll go tell Itachi, sunshine." I joke before walking to my elder brother's pig sty of a room.

Itachi's point of view
     I turn to see Sasuke in my door way as a few Oreo crumbs fall from my mouth. "I am taking Naruto to the movies. Bye." He says before turning and reunited seconds later with his lover. Looks like it's stalking time for me.

     Once the front door slams shut I rush and grab keys, a jacket, and my wallet. As I start my engine I drive down the streets until I stop his car. Carefully I stay as far away as possible while still having them in sight. I wonder what movie they will pick.

     We drive down at least ten more minutes of road before he pulls into a parking space at our local cinema. I park and wait for them to get out but they take forever and since I can't see through his tinted windows I assume they are sucking face.

     After a little longer the two teenagers get out. "Finally." I whisper to myself. Next I follow behind then quietly. We walk in and they still don't notice me as I join a group waiting in line behind them to cloak my appearance. Ok maybe I am just acting like a five year old who thinks he is an awesome spy but I truly am.

     "So what do you want to watch sunshine?" Asked Sasuke as Naruto gripped his arm tightly with both of his.

     "How about that one with the pretty girl." Offers the blonde pointing at Beach Party 3, a crappy horror film that somehow was still able to have enough to money to create another piece of crap.

      "Two tickets to Beach Party 3 please." Said my little bro to the lady at the ticket desk. She nods and kindly retrieves the movie tickets from behind the desk.

      When I walk up I ask for the same and hurry to get my milky way candy bars. I wouldn't say I eat that much candy but compared to Sasuke, well I eat a ton of you compare us. "Mainly cause he doesn't believe in sugar only tomatoes." I growl to myself.

Once I entered the room where the movie was playing I scanned the room for the couple I was tailing. I then spot them a few rows away from the back and hurry over there making sure not to be spotted. Quietly I take a seat in the back and watch intently at the two.

"Look Sasuke the movie is starting." Naruto practically screamed earning him some angry shushes.

Ok I found out about 4% of my readers on this book are guys! 😻Although 2% of that is one of my beat friends, Luke so yeah! Thank you so much everyone for reading and also 10% is people over the age of 45. I just thought that was cool. Please comment and vote I love all of you readers. Especially the boys. Also again please go check out Luke. And every person is worth 2% so one other guy is reading this. XD Sorry my parents just got home from shopping so I have to put my phone back before they notice. Love you guys please vote and comment.

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