Morning Rush

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Sorry my phone broke and we couldn't get a new one until this morning so I couldn't update. So sorry.

Naruto's point of view
      I wake up in my bed with a note laying ontop of my face. I quickly skim over the letter while I scratch the itch on the back of my head before placing it down beside me on the night stand. I look down to see I'm still in the same clothes. I then break out a smile remembering yesterday. Next I start searching for my house phone since my phone was thrown viciously in the road a few days ago by some bastards.

     I find myself searching until I look over at the clock and see there is only 15 minutes to get ready before I have to leave. I hurry and dress when I hear knocking on the door as I finish. "Who's there?!" I yell crossing into the living room.

      "Sasuke and hurry up or else we'll be late Dobe!" He loudly says through my door. I open the door for him and he all the sudden wraps his toned arms around my waist pulling me in. "Did you brush your teeth?" He asks follow by a sniff following.

      "Not yet." I state tasting my dry mouth. He then let's me go and walks inside to my bathroom. "What are you doing?" I call out heading in the same direction.

"Brush your teeth." He demands shoving the toothbrush into my mouth. I start to clean my teeth. Why the heck is he acting like my mother?

Once I am done I walk out into the living room. "Done." I reply as I grab my coat and walk to the door where I meet Sasuke. "What's this?" I ask as he places a small wrapped box in my hand. The wrapping paper is orange with sealing marks like the one shirt I leant him the other day.

      "It's a present just open it." He says slightly blushing on his normally pale white face. I nod and start to tear the paper away to reveal a white box. It's a iPhone box. I can't help but enter shock. "Since yours got broken." He says to me causing me to enter back to reality.

      "I-I can't take this." I say shoving it into his chest as my vision turns down. Why did he buy me such a damn expensive thing? It's not even an old version it's the new 6s! "Take it back!"

     "No." Is all he replies back to me. I gaze upward when his cold lips are pressed upon mine. I can't help but let out a moan when he ever so slowly let's his hand travel down my back. He then takes the opportunity to send his tongue into my wet cavern. I regain control of myself and shove him away before he can go any further.

     "Don't think kissing me will make me want the present!" I yell back in his face. He stares in awe at my furious self. "I may love yo-!" I cut myself off by my words that I didn't even know I would let out. "Forget that! I didn't mean it!" Or did I?

Sasuke's point of view
What does he mean he doesn't mean it? That's it if he can't say it I will even if I already have. "Naruto? I know I've alre-"

"Get out! I don't want the phone and stop pretending like I am your play toy that you can just kiss when ever you feel like it, because I am not!" He shot back shoving the phone box back in my hand and pushing me out the door. What just happened? Was I rejected? I guess I have been treating poor Naru like a toy more than a boyfriend. Why can't this be simple. I finally turn to walk back to my car after dragging myself out of my thoughts.

'Ring ring!' Goes my new cell I got last night along with my loves. It's Itachi. "Hello."

"Sasuke you better be at school with Naruto cause you can't skip anymore days!" He yells at me through the 6s that I got last night along with my love's new phone he won't take.

"I don't think that Naruto is going." I say a little depressed at the thought.

"Well did you at least give him the phone? I paid good money for it you know!" You mean I did it was from my savings account.

"He said he couldn't accept it and now he's mad at me for kissing him without his permission." I say opening the car door of my mustang feeling as though I could break down at any second now.

"What do you mean he can't accept it?" Itachi growled through the phone.

     "I don't know it all happened so fast." I say tears streaming down my face now. I hang up no longer wanting to speak. It's not my fault he won't take a damn gift.

     After calming myself down I get out and once again step up to his apartment door and knock. When there is no response I place my ear on the door and can he light cries that are very familiar. "Please let me in I'm sorry." I say honestly still having my ear touching the door.

     "I don't want to talk!" He screams back. Come on Naruto I'm trying to fix it even though it was his fault for not taking a present I gave you.

      "I'm coming in." I say realizing that door has been unlocked the whole time. Stepping inside I see my darling walking up to me.

      "I told you I don't want to tal-." He pauses. "Have you been crying?" He asks in a now curious voice. I nod slowly as he steps up to me. "Is this all cause I won't take a phone from you?"

     "'s because you said you didn't mean it when you started to say that you love me."

Cliffhanger sorry for not updating my phone broke so I had to get a new one and we didn't have the time until today.
I love you guys comment hoe you want me to make it up to you.

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