So It Begins

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                    "Come on Luce, you know you want me."
The girl shudders at the statement, trying in vain to push herself further back away from the boy in front of her. His hand reaches up, toying with her hair before roughly grabbing her jaw.
"Remove your hand before I snap your wrist." She bites out.
A smirk crosses his face as he leans in, forcing his lips onto hers. She struggles against him but he pins her wrists against the wall of the train. He breaks the kiss and she shouts at him, repulsed.
"Let me go you slimy piece of-"
"You're so feisty Luce, I like it." He purrs.
"Let me go!" She spits in his face.
The door slams open and two boys rush in, shouting at the blonde haired boy to get off of the girl. His hands release her arms as the two forcibly toss him off of her and into the seat on the opposite side of the compartment. The girl visibly relaxes, slumping against the seat and releasing a breath she hadn't known she was holding. She glances up, her chocolate colored eyes focusing on her saviors. Two lanky redheads are shouting at the blonde, wands drawn and pointed at him. The blonde draws his own, aiming it at the boys. The girl finally stands and speaks.
The redheads turn to face the brunette. "But you're a damsel in distress."
"I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day." She replies, hands on her hips.
"We're not leaving you alone with this git!" They shout.
"Shove off blood traitors. This isn't your concern." The blonde, Draco Malfoy, speaks up, seeming to regain the courage since the twins weren't focused on him.
Before the twins could retaliate, the girl moves between the three, holding up a slender pointer finger to the twins. She smiles brightly at Malfoy before leaning down millimeters from his face.
"Touch me again, little ferret, and you will wish you were never born."
With that, she stands up straight and punches him in the eye. He cries out in pain and covers his eye with his hand. She hears the twins mutter something along the lines of 'Bloody brilliant' and high five each other. The girl turns to the luggage rack and puts her messenger bag over her shoulder before moving to walk out of the compartment. From the corner of her eye, she notices that Malfoy is now sporting a beautiful black eye. The boy glares at her but she smiles back and walks out with the twins in tow.
As she makes her way down the aisles of the train cars, the boys follow her while doing a running commentary of the events leading up to finding her with Malfoy. Apparently they'd been in search of their younger brother when they heard her shouting. She tunes in and out of their conversation while searching for an empty compartment. To her dismay they were all full of students since the train had left the station atleast an hour before. She sighs, moving to turn around and search the upper half of the train, but the twins link arms with hers and drag her further down to a compartment where a boy with dreadlocks was seated, staring out the window as the landscape moved by in a blur.
"You do realize this is considered kidnapping, correct?"
"Of course! We wouldn't have done it if it was the right thing to do!"
They open the compartment door and gesture for her to enter first.
"Distressed damsels first."
She rolls her eyes before entering the compartment and taking a seat opposite of the dreadlocked boy. The twins sit down across from each other. The girl studies the boy across from her, thinking he looks vaguely familiar. She realizes that he is the Gryffindor that does the commentaries for the Quidditch games at Hogwarts. He's a seventh year that she's seen only in passing since she is starting her fifth year. The four sit in a comfortable silence for a while until the boy by the window decides to speak.
"Who's the babe?" He asks the twins, nodding his head toward the girl.
"This is the Damsel in Distress. We rescued her, just like knights did in the old days. What is your name anyway?"
"Call me Lucy." She replies, choosing to go by nickname rather than given.
"Well Lucy, want to sit by me and keep me company?" The boy smirks and winks at her playfully.
"Oi, I'd watch out mate, we watched her give Malfoy a shiner for that."
Lucy smiles as the twins laugh at the boy's expression.
"I retract my offer, but great job on the shiner. So how'd you get stuck with those two?"
"They were nosy and broke down the door of my compartment." She explains with a shrug.
"In our defense we heard shouting and found her being mauled by the little ferret."
"Details, details." She rolls her eyes before turning to the twins. "I know you are Weasley's, but which one is which?"
"I'm Gred." Replies the one next to her.
"And I'm Forge." The other one says.
"And what about you?" She asks, nodding at the boy across from her.
"I'm Lee Jordan, the pleasure is all mine."
"I will call you Things 1 and 2, by association you will be called Thing 3. Now Things, I'm going to return to my nap that was so rudely interrupted when Malfoy decided he wanted to die. If you wake me before we're within ten minutes of Hogwarts, you will lose a limb."
They nod at her, eyes wide, and begin a conversation about Quidditch. She settles herself against the wall of the compartment, curling her legs underneath herself and using her backpack as a pillow. She closes her eyes and drifts off into an uneasy sleep.
Fred Weasley, the boy that introduced himself as Gred, lays his hand gently on her shoulder to shake her awake. Shortly after she'd fallen asleep, the boys' conversation was interrupted by her muttering in her sleep and jolting at random. The words she spoke deeply bothered the trio and they debated on waking her, choosing not to until they noticed tears trailing down her pale cheeks. Fred of course was volunteered since he lost the round of Rock, Paper, and Scissors. Her eyes open, bloodshot and wide as saucers, and her hand moves instantly to the slender wand tucked into her boot. The nine inch oak wand wavers in her hand as her heart rate attempts to calm down.
"What happened?" She asks, her voice shaky.
Lucy notices the boys are staring at her with wide eyes and their hands lifted in surrender.
"You were having a bloody awful nightmare. We heard you talking and you were twitching. We debated on waking you but you'd starting crying so we made Fred wake you up." Lee explains, carefully reaching out to point her wand toward the floor.
"Oh." She replies, sliding her wand back into her boot.
"What were you dreaming about? The things you were saying sounded pretty bad..." Fred asks.
She sighs and turns to gaze out the window.
"Are we almost to Hogwarts?"
The boys note that she's avoided the question but they don't push her.
"We're about five minutes away."
She pulls her school robe from her bag and slides it over her black t-shirt and blue jeans.
"What house are you in Lucy? We haven't seen you around before."
"Oh, the train stopped."
She turns from them and wanders out into the corridor, ignoring the question. The boys shrug and follow her out.

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