Lucy wakes up with a massive headache and Fred's arms wrapped around her. She closes her eyes again and snuggles into the warmth. She starts to drift off to sleep again just as she feels the need to pee. With a sigh she carefully untangles herself from the shirtless man next to her and pushes the blankets back. She lets out a surprised squeak as she looks down, then grabs Fred's shirt from the floor and slips it over her head. She panics internally before nudging Fred repeatedly. He opens his eyes groggily and winces at the light from the window before smiling at her.
"Fred... Uh did we-?"
"Did we what?"
"I woke up naked Fred." She finally blurts.
His face pales and his mouth falls open. He carefully looks underneath the blankets and his face seems to lose more color.
"I'm sorry Lucy." He finally mutters.
"Don't be. I just thought you should know." She leans across the bed and lightly kisses him before sliding on a pair of shorts and walking out.
Everyone is still passed out on the floor and couch and she mutters her relief before ducking into the bathroom. After she brushes her teeth she walks out to find Lee sitting up holding his head. He turns and looks at her before smirking. Her face pales as she looks at him in confusion.
"Your hair. I know what you two did." He whispers and winks.
She holds a finger to her lips and he nods and does the same.
Fred is asleep again when she returns, so she digs through her trunk to find a pair of scarlet jean shorts, a black tank top and a set of undergarments and leaves to take a quick shower. The visitors are gone and Lee and George are sitting at the counter drinking coffee as she walks back into the main room. She scurries over to the coffee pot and pours a strong cup as she begins to make breakfast for everyone. She settles on scrambled eggs, biscuits, and bacon since it's quick and easy to prepare. Fred emerges wearing the shorts that Lucy borrowed earlier and sleepily reaches for a mug to pour coffee into. He sits down next to Lee who smirks at Lucy when she glances in their direction. She shoots him a look and he snickers. She serves them all plates and grabs one for herself before sitting on the counter.
"Are we opening today?" She asks between mouthfuls.
"Do you all feel up to it?"
They all look at each other and shrug, deciding to open after they eat.
Lucy leads the way down the stairs and pulls the paper from the door before unlocking it. People start to stream in and the boys take on their salesman attitudes, greeting the customers and advertising their products with smiles. Lucy takes her seat on the stool behind the counter to check out items. She turns the radio on and the music filters through speakers placed around the shop. Business quickly picks up as students come through to stock up their prank supplies before school returns. Around lunch time everything slows down and Lucy appreciates the lull. She hands a bag of goods over to the little boy across the counter as a ball of fluff spirals in through the open window and slams into her chest. She and the stool fall backward onto the floor. Fred and George, the closest people, rush over to help her up. She sits up and cradles the fluffball in her hands. She realizes it's an owl, a young exhausted one, holding a letter. Lucy moves the owl to sit on her shoulder while she opens the letter.
"What does it say?" Fred asks.
I'm not sure what to say except that we are so glad that you found us. Your father and I are very excited to hopefully get to see you soon. We looked everywhere we could think of to find you. You're still too young to apparate alone yet, so we have sent a false passport and a plane ticket for you and one person. The notebook is spelled to look like a passport in the eyes of the muggles. The airport is in London and it leaves in two days. It will take you to New York City, where we will be waiting. We love you, Lucy.
Your parents Marianne and Dereck Binx"
She pulls the letter out of the way and finds two papers that reads something about an airplane and time and gate. Behind them is a blank notebook. She feeds the owl a treat and it takes off out the door again. Lucy looks up at Fred, George, and Lee trying to gauge their reactions to the letter. George looks worried, his gaze locked on his twin, Lee looks happy for her, and Fred looks pale. With a sigh, Lucy stands and asks George and Lee to cover the store while she and Fred talk upstairs. They nod and she takes Fred's hand and leads him through the store and up the staircase.
"Fred?" She looks up at him once the door closes.
"Did you mean what you said last night on the roof?"
"Yeah." He answers quietly. "Did you?"
"Always. About all of it. I'll always come back to you and I'll always be in love with you."
The corners of his mouth turn up slightly before they drop and he sighs.
"What if you decide you want to stay in New York with them? I don't want to tear you away from your family."
"They may be my birth parents but I'll always want to be with you. Besides, you three wouldn't survive if I wasn't here. I promise that I will come back as soon as possible."
"Who are you going to take with you?"
"Well, I was thinking one of you three, but you all need to keep the business running. I do know of someone you'd trust to get me there and back, and would have a field day around muggle items." She says with a smirk.

I'm Not For Sale *Draco/OC/Fred* COMPLETE W/ SEQUEL
FanfictionLucy finds her life turned upside down when a set of redheaded twins save her on the train to Hogwarts. As they get closer, a fellow Slytherin and her family fight to tear them apart. Who will win? For those with violence/abuse triggers, please read...