The Last Day

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            Classes ended finally, with Umbridge quitting as the High Inquisitor and getting in a lot of trouble. Lucy hadn't really cared to pay attention to what all happened to the dreadful woman. When Dumbledore spoke of her at the end of year feast, she'd stared down at the glove covering her left hand. Umbridge had given her a month's detention for disobeying rules and running away from Hogwarts. Lucy had to write lines using Umbridge's blood quill, carving "I must obey" into her hand. An ugly scar of the letters stayed behind and Lucy couldn't bear to look at it every day, so she found a black fingerless glove to cover her hand. Malfoy had found out and agreed with Umbridge as it was a good lesson for her to know in his opinion. She'd otherwise kept it quiet. Gryffindor won the House Cup as always, and the end of the year was ushered in with a feast. In the morning, students will return home for the summer. Most of them anyway. Lucy was sitting in the Astronomy Tower when the family owl swooped in with a letter. Lucy watches the owl fly away before looking down to the letter in her lap, wondering what on Earth her adoptive family would want with her. She opens it cautiously and uses her wand to create enough light to read by. Her stomach clenches and her heart drops at the words scrawled along the parchment. She is to return home as usual, but Malfoy would be staying with her for the duration of the summer. Annabella and Theodore are leaving for a business trip that would last through the break, and Lucius and Narcissa thought it a good idea for the two to get better acquainted out of school. She sighs and pockets the letter, knowing Malfoy surely got one as well. Her gaze returns to the grounds and a certain pair of redheads flit across her thoughts. She hadn't seen or written to them since her return to Hogwarts and Lee hadn't spoken to her since the day in the Great Hall when he slipped veritaserum into her drink. Lucy wasn't fully sure why he'd wanted to know the final question he asked her, the one wondering whether she was in love with Fred or not. He probably wrote Fred and told him that. With a sigh she stands and retreats back to the Slytherin house to pack. Hopefully she could avoid Malfoy until the train ride. In the corridors she's greeted with total silence, enjoying the peace and freedom for once. The school was bursting with energy earlier due to the celebrations. Lucy rounds a corner and collides with someone. She loses her balance but before she can hit the floor the person catches her. She looks up into Lee Jordan's eyes who smiles at her. "Well hello there Lucy." He says with a wink. "Oh, uh, hi Lee." She manages a small smile in return. "What are you doing for the summer?" He asks, returning her to her feet. "Going home. I get to spend the break with him, to get to know my future husband better and all." "That sounds awful. I'm moving to Diagon Alley to join the twins." He looks a little guilty for bringing them up. "That's good. I heard the shop is pretty popular." She replies, looking down at her shoes. "Lucy, I- just take care of yourself, okay? I worry about you." "Thanks Lee..." She mutters before wrapping her arms around his stomach and burying her face in his shirt. "I can't take this anymore. I don't want to do this... I can't sleep, I can't eat. I don't know if I can get through this..." "I know Lucy. Come home with me, then move into the shop with us. We'll protect you." "They'll find me. They found me when I opened the studio. I can't get away from this." She chokes out, biting back a sob. "Go pack your stuff Lucy. Continue on like nothing happened. When the train stops at the station, I'll be waiting for you outside. I'll grab you and we'll apparate out of there and they won't find you. If they do, they won't be able to touch you. Okay? Go back to your common room, I'll owl the twins." She nods and slowly releases him, dragging her hand across her eyes. Lee watches her make her way down the corridor and around the corner.    He shakes his head sadly and turns to walk away when a loud smack reverberates off the walls. Without hesitation, he rushes back toward where Lucy went to find her pinned to the wall by her throat, a pale hand wrapped around it tightly. Lee tackles the blonde holding Lucy and they hit the floor in a flurry of fists and shouting. Lucy sits up, rubbing her throat and coughing while she draws her wand and aims it at the two. The boys are sent flying away from each other. Malfoy and Lee jump to their feet and aim their wands at each other.  "Luce, come. Now." Malfoy says, his icy orbs glare down at her. She shakily gets to her feet but Lee's voice stops her.  "Don't order her around like a dog Malfoy!" "I'm ordering her around like a wife. What I do with her is none of your concern." He scowls, his voice haughty and arrogant.  "Lucy, go back to your dorm please." Lee says, ignoring the angry blonde.  "Don't move." "Luc-""Don't Lee. I'll be alright. He is my fiancé and I will do as he says."  Her voice seems to draw the two from their staring battle and turn to her. She avoids Lee's gaze and moves with her eyes on the floor over to Malfoy, who places his arm over her shoulder and smirks up at Lee.  "See? She knows who is better for her. Now leave my fiancée alone. Also, I heard your little plan for tomorrow. Good luck with that. She won't be out of my sight." With that, he steers her away from Lee and down into the Dungeons. 
===A/N: My formatting is getting messed up, so if it looks a little odd, I apologize.

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