Draco releases the angry girl as they land inside a darkly colored bedroom. He watches as she yells at him and picks up a book resting on the trunk at the foot of the bed. He leans backward in time to miss it as she sends it sailing across the room. He crosses his arms over his chest and mentally thanks his father for the muffling charm that stays in effect for each room of the house so no one can hear her rant. A small smirk crosses his lips as she kicks the trunk and falls over to cradle her foot. Finally Lucy looks up to him and points a finger at him.
"You... I'm going to murder you to the point that the Auror's can't identify you! Take me back!"
"I'm trying to keep you safe!"
"By taking me to your house where I can easily be found?! Take me back." She stands and whips out her wand she'd tucked into her waistband.
"You aren't going to use magic on me outside of school."
"Watch me, Malfoy."
He crosses the distance between them and gently pulls her face to his and kisses her. She pulls away from him and punches him in the nose before darting around him and out into the manor. She can hear him calling for her to come back but she doesn't listen, rushing through the corridors with ease. As a child, she visited often and memorized the layout. She rounds a corner and collides with someone's chest. She looks up at the older version of Draco, his father Lucius. The man latches onto her wrist and looks past her to his son who stopped behind her.
"Good job Draco. You got her here faster than I would've thought."
"Mr. Malfoy? What's going on? Draco and I were just playing a game. I missed him so much." She says, smiling innocently up at him.
"I'm sure, Miss Addams. We've been searching for you since you used that elf to leave that night. Come. You have a meeting with someone important."
"No. I don't want to! Draco don't let him do this! Help me!" She starts to claw at the man's hand as he pulls her down the hall nonchalantly.
"Father, I think I should be given a few days to reign in her wild tendencies before handing her over. She needs to be shown who is superior to her so as to not offend Him when they meet."
"She should already be aware to not disrespect the Dark Lord." Lucius says, giving a stern look to the girl.
"Please don't do this!" Lucy cries out, doing her best to fight against the man.
"Father, it would be best to wait on her meeting with the Dark Lord. It would be bad for our family if we brought her to him while she is panicking like this. Give me a few days to calm her down and prepare her for what is to come."
Lucius stops and releases her, knocking her to the floor in the process.
"You have two days. Don't let her out of your sight." He spits before walking away from them.
Draco walks over to Lucy carefully and extends his hand to help her up. She looks at it and sighs before ignoring him and pushing herself to her feet.
"What? I bought you time, Luce."
"Stop calling me that. And you were the one that brought me here. I wouldn't need time if it wasn't for you." She growls.
"I panicked. If they would've come downstairs you would've stayed with them and would've been taken."
"I was taken anyway if you haven't noticed. Now take me back."
"I can't Luce. If you leave now I'm as good as dead."
"If I stay I'm dead! Go run away and hide from your power hungry family. Leave me out of it." She hisses.
Fed up with the situation, she whirls away from him and toward the main doors. Draco follows close behind, trying desperately to make her stay. She stops a few feet from the main doors and turns to face him. She smiles sweetly at him and asks for a glass of water. He snaps his fingers and an elf appears. He commands the shaking figure to bring a glass of water and she disappears in a snap. She comes back and bows in front of Lucy, holding a platter with a single glass of water. Lucy thanks her and takes the glass and tosses the party in a ball inside before throwing it at Draco. Balloons and streamers start flying out along with confetti and other party supplies. She uses the moment of confusion to dart out the door and into the night. She races down the long drive and into the streets. She can hear Draco shouting at her but she doesn't stop running as fast as her legs could carry her. The whole time she curses the restriction of underage magic off school grounds and her inability to apparate. After a few minutes, she doesn't hear him anymore but she continues to run until she rounds the corner of a fence and pauses to take a few heaving breaths. A streak of lightning cracks across the sky followed by a boom of thunder and rain begins to pour directly after. She stomps her foot in frustration before continuing to walk through the rain.

I'm Not For Sale *Draco/OC/Fred* COMPLETE W/ SEQUEL
FanficLucy finds her life turned upside down when a set of redheaded twins save her on the train to Hogwarts. As they get closer, a fellow Slytherin and her family fight to tear them apart. Who will win? For those with violence/abuse triggers, please read...