Fred releases Lucy when they arrive inside the apartment and asks what Harry said to her outside and what she and his mother talked about as well. She tells him what happened between Harry and herself before simply telling him that Molly knows about most everything. Fred mumbles something about hexing Harry next time he sees him before lightly kissing her. George and Lee make gagging noises as they go out to get some groceries from town. The two separate and she stares up into his brown eyes and feels content but guilty.
"Fred, I haven't showed you something yet. It wasn't caused by Malfoy, but I still think it's only right you see it. I know you noticed the glove, it's kind of hard to ignore... Umbridge gave me lines for a month for leaving without permission. Now I have 'I must obey' carved into my hand. The scar is hideous and was a constant reminder of my role in servitude so I hid it."
She removes the glove and he takes her hand in his and rubs his thumb carefully over the letters before lifting it and placing a gentle kiss on it. He smiles at her causing her to smile in return. He pulls her to him and hugs her and begins to run his fingers through her hair.
"It doesn't matter to me what scars you have, you'll always be beautiful to me."
His words are soft and quiet making her shiver at his tone. It's the opposite of what she's used to, low toned threats and danger. Fred's voice is peaceful and calming with a slight undertone of something she can't quite place.
Lucy lifts her head from his shoulder and pulls him into a slow kiss that quickly begins to heat up. His fingers tangle in her hair as he backs her up against the back of the couch. She starts to lose herself completely in the kiss just as the door flies open and the boys loudly walk in carrying bags and a letter tucked in Lee's mouth. The two break apart and turn to glare at the intruders. They set the bags on the counter before Lee hands the letter over to Lucy, completely ignoring the looks they were receiving. Lucy glances over the envelope before tearing it open hesitantly.
"Lucille Josephine Addams,
Theodore and I have heard the news from Lucius and Narcissa that you destroyed portions of our home, freed a house elf, and took off in the middle of the night. As of now you have breached our contract that was signed upon your entrance into our home. You are to immediately return to the manor and resume your duties as directed or we will be forced to take further actions to ensure your obedience. If you are not back at the manor by the morning of Wednesday July 23 at eight a.m., we will consider this insubordination and will send for someone to retrieve you.
-Annabella Addams"
Lucy sighs and places it on the back of the couch while the boys rant about the contents of the letter. A few seconds later the boys snap out of their anger and return to the grocery bags on the counter. Curiosity gets the better of her so Lucy drifts over to see what's inside. Lee and George pull out a few bottles of fire whiskey and a couple of butterbeers along with some actual food.
"What's with the whiskey?"
"It's the other half of your surprise. We decided to throw you a mini-party. It'll be the four of us plus Gwen and Angelina and possibly a couple others."
"And when is this starting?"
"Any minute now." Lee shrugs.
Lucy glances down at her outfit and scowls. She'd chosen comfort for the day since she expected to not do anything important, opting for a pair of lightweight sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt. She mock salutes them before drifting into the bedroom to find something more attractive. She digs through her trunk and settles on a pair of dark green shorts and a white off the shoulder t-shirt. After changing, she brushes her hair out and pulls it into a pony tail. She steps back out into the main room to find Gwen, Angelina, Seamus, and Dean in the room as well. Angelina rushes over to wrap her in a hug as if nothing changed after the break. Everyone tells Lucy happy birthday and start to crack open the bottles of fire whiskey and Angelina turns on some music.
A few bottles later, everyone is a little tipsy, if not drunk, and having a great time. Lucy and Angelina are laying on the floor giggling maniacally while taking turns nursing a bottle of fire whiskey. Gwen and Lee are on the love seat kissing and Fred, George, Seamus, and Dean are playing a drinking game of some sort. Angelina sits up suddenly, knocking Lucy back onto the floor again and suggests playing truth or dare. They all agree and Gwen and the boys all gather in a circle on the floor. Lee places a bottle in the center and Gwen pulls a vial from her pocket. She holds it up with a grin and explains it's veritaserum that she stole from Snape before the end of term. They pass it around so no one could lie before turning to Lucy.
"Birthday girl goes first!"
She spins the bottle and it lands on Angelina. She turns to the dark haired girl and grins.
"I'm not scared. I pick dare!"
"Kiss your crush if he's here right now."
Gwen and Lucy dissolve into giggles as Angelina crawls across the circle and pulls George into a kiss. She returns, leaving a breathless and red-faced George at his spot. Her spin lands on Lee, who she makes strip to his boxers for the remainder of the game. The turns make their rounds until it lands on Lucy who chooses dare. She looks up from her bottle of whiskey to Lee, who confers with the other boys before turning back to her with a smirk.
"Kiss Angelina."
Lucy turns to the girl and they both shrug before pecking each other's lips and giggling. Lucy spins the bottle and it lands on Dean. She grins as he picks truth and asks who his crush is. His face turns bright red as he mutters Seamus's name. The girls squeal as both of their faces turn red.
A short while after the game dissolved because no one could pay attention long enough to play, Seamus and Dean fell asleep on the love seat together while George, Lee, Angelina and Gwen passed out in the floor where they'd been talking. Lucy and Fred are dancing in the area where the dining table is supposed to be, their steps clumsy. Fred wanted to learn to dance as nicely as Lucy did when he saw her at the ball and in the studio, but they were both too drunk to look graceful. He catches her as she trips over her feet and sweeps her into a low dip. She giggles as he smirks at her and wiggles his eyebrows. He picks her up and kisses her before taking her by the hand out of the apartment, snagging the last bottle from the counter on the way.
"Wha-where are we going?" She whisper yells.
"Sshh. It's a surprise." He whisper yells back as he stops them at the top landing of the staircase. He pulls on a short cord above their heads and the ceiling swings down to reveal a set of collapsing stairs. He pulls them down and helps her climb up before following. Fred stumbles around in the dark attic space to find a small wooden door in the ceiling. He helps her up and onto the roof. They settle down next to each other on the shingles and stare out over the sleeping town.
"its soo pretty Fred!" She shouts.
"Sshh you're yelling." He says while laughing.
"Okay. I quiet now." She whisper yells, causing them both to laugh.
She lays her head gently on his shoulder and his hand finds hers.
"Lucy?" He speaks a few minutes later, sounding slightly more sober than before.
"Yes Fred?"
"If you want to go to New York, I'll be okay as long as you promise something."
"What is it?"
"I want you to promise to come back to me."
"Always." She smiles up at him. "Fred."
"I think I'm in love with you. I take that back. I know I'm in love with you." She mutters quietly.

I'm Not For Sale *Draco/OC/Fred* COMPLETE W/ SEQUEL
FanfictionLucy finds her life turned upside down when a set of redheaded twins save her on the train to Hogwarts. As they get closer, a fellow Slytherin and her family fight to tear them apart. Who will win? For those with violence/abuse triggers, please read...