"Wha-? Lucy? It's three in the morning." Fred grumbles, flopping his head back down onto the pillow.
"I couldn't sleep. I need to talk to you..." She trails off.
He sighs and moves over in his bed to make room for her small frame. Lucy lays down next to him, facing him.
"So what did you want to talk about?" He asks, breaking the silence. He looks half asleep but sounds fully awake.
"Will you promise to never hate me?" She starts out, feeling a lump in her throat already.
"Of course, I could never hate you. What's going on?"
"I haven't told you really anything about myself. After Christmas break, some things may come to light, so to say. Just don't hate me for them. I don't want to lose you or the boys."
He's silent for a while, making Lucy wonder if he'd fallen asleep, but he finally speaks.
"You'll never lose us Lucy, no matter what. I don't know what's going on, but everything will be okay."
"Thank you Fred." She says with a small smile.
"Can I sleep now?" He mutters, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
"Yes Fred." She replies, falling asleep shortly after.
Early the next morning she is woken up by George and Lee laughing. She peeks one eye open, glaring at the two who are apparently laughing at her. She sticks her tongue out at them who do the same before turning back over and snuggling into the warmth of her pillow. She inhales deeply, smelling spices and a faint hint of gunpowder, typical of the Weasley twins. Her hand reaches over to pull the pillow closer to herself but notices it doesn't budge. Her eyes peek open again, coming face to chest with Fred. She squeaks in surprise and falls off the bed and onto the floor, causing more laughter.
"I really have to stop doing that..." She mutters, ignoring the boys.
"Why are you all so bloody loud? I got woken up at one in the morning. Oh, hey Lucy."
"Hi Fred."
Lucy gets up and takes a seat on the edge of the bed. George stares at her for a moment, then at his brother before looking excited. Her eyebrow raises in question as Lee rushes back over to find out what's going on.
"Something happened between you two last night."
"George, that's disgusting." She says, turning George's ears red.
"No, not that. Something else. You two... Kissed! I can see it on your faces! My brother is in love!"
He dramatically holds his hands to his chest, while Lucy feels a surge of pain in her own.
"I have to go get dressed. I'll see you all before the train leaves..."
Without another word, she stands and briskly leaves the tower to return to the dungeons. She slips upstairs past the sleeping girls and showers, dressing in a pair of black skinny jeans and a purple long sleeved shirt. Her wand goes into its customary place inside her boot and a purple beanie is placed on her magically straightened hair. The other girls have just woken up to prepare to leave, so Lucy leaves them behind to go to the Great Hall, though food is the last thing on her mind. She sits at the Slytherin table, her stomach twisting into a knot as the family owl swoops in, dropping a letter in front of her before flying away. With shaking hands, she tears open the envelope to read the contents.
Today at eleven a.m., we need you to come to the manor. We have things to discuss. Your departure and arrival have been arranged with your Headmaster. Report to his office to use the Floo network.
Lucy sits in silence, feeling ill. Inside, she knows what is going to happen when she returns to the manor, but she prays that perhaps things will be different. She leaves the breakfast untouched before cramming the letter into a pocket and returning to the Gryffindor tower.
When she opens the door, only the twins are in the dormitory. Lee had gone down to see Gwen for a moment. Lucy takes her seat on Fred's bed, watching the two pack and bicker about whatever comes to mind. She pulls the letter from her pocket and fiddles with the edges, praying that somehow the words would change. George looks up and apologizes for his comment, believing that was the reason she left so suddenly. She gives him a small smile and tells him its fine before returning her gaze to the offending letter.
"What's that Lucy?" Fred asks.
"Letter from home. It came this morning..."
Fred's face drains of color while George looks confused.
"Does it say what will happen?"
"No. Just that they wish to talk to me."
"What did I miss besides the two of you kissing?"
She looks up at George. "Get Lee up here so I can explain all at once."
George rushes downstairs and Fred takes a seat next to her. She leans her head on his shoulder while he takes her hand. His other lifts her head turning it toward him. He leans in and kisses her, effectively erasing her worries and replacing them with butterflies. The kiss is broken after sounds of 'Awe's' and gagging. She rolls her eyes and turns to face the other two. Her smile fades as they sit down across from her on George's bed.
"So I've been called home today to have a talk with Annabella and Theodore. When you return from break, you may find parts of my life that you hadn't known before."
"Why can't you tell us now?" George asks.
"How did you know all of this if you had just gotten the letter today?" Fred asks.
Her gaze drifts to her hands before opening her mouth to answer. McGonagall's voice cuts her off, carrying her words through the castle, telling students returning home to report to the entrance right away.
"You all need to go. I'll try to contact you during break."
They all hug her and levitate their trunks down to the common room.
"Oh, before we go, we bought you some presents."
They hand her a small pile of delicately wrapped gifts, definitely not from their own wrapping skills. She pulls theirs from her pants pockets, thankful for shrinking charms, and hands them to the boys. The boys promise to write to her over the holidays before hugging her one last time and walking out. Fred stops just outside the door before turning back and sweeping her into a long kiss. They part and he walks away as she wipes a stray tear from her cheek.
Lucy stands in the dorm for a moment longer before quietly returning to the Slytherin commons. The whole Slytherin house has gone home for the Holidays, leaving Lucy alone with her thoughts. She places her presents on a small pile inside her trunk before realizing that it's time for her to head to the manor. With a final sigh, she leaves her room behind and makes her way to Dumbledore's office. She tells the password to the gargoyle who moves out of the way allowing her to climb the stairs. With each step, her heart seems to climb up into her throat. She lifts her hand to knock but Dumbledore tells her to enter before she can touch it. The elder wizard smiles at her as she walks in, though she can only muster a thin line in return.
"Ah, Miss Addams, are you ready to go home?"
"As I'll ever be, Sir."
He smiles again and gestures to the fireplace and the small pot of Floo powder on the mantle. She crosses the room and grabs a bit of the powder in her hand before standing inside the fireplace.
"Addams Manor."
A/N: I've been having problems with random symbols or letters appearing from nowhere at the bottom of my chapters, so if you see them, ignore them or let me know so I can edit them away!

I'm Not For Sale *Draco/OC/Fred* COMPLETE W/ SEQUEL
FanfictionLucy finds her life turned upside down when a set of redheaded twins save her on the train to Hogwarts. As they get closer, a fellow Slytherin and her family fight to tear them apart. Who will win? For those with violence/abuse triggers, please read...