Chapter 10 ~ Skyler!?

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Chapter 10 ~ Skyler!?

I didn't know how fast to move my arse over to that door. “O my god! Skyler!” I threw my hands around his neck and started to cry. “I missed you so much.” He could feel him smile. “I missed you too lil' bro.” I guess we stood like this for 5 minutes but I didn't care. Skyler pulled back and gave me a kiss on my forehead. “What are you doing here, I mean, what did mum and dad say?” He walked towards my bed and sat down. “Hi, I'm Skyler. Damien's older twin brother.” Skyler reached his hand out to Tyler. “Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Tyler, his roommate.” They shook hands and I sat down next to Skyler.

“So, answer my questions.” He rolled his eyes. “Easy there. Well, aren't I allowed to visit my brother?” I looked down at my hands. “No, you're not remember..” He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and pushed me to him so my head was on his shoulder. “Mum and dad are mad at me. They said, if I ever would visit you, they would kick me out off the house too.” My head shot up and I looked worried at him. “What?” I asked confused. “What are you doing here then?” He sighed. “I was tired of being home without you. It's pretty boring you know. Mum and dad are pretending you don't even exist.” I got tears in my eyes. “Please, say you're lying.” He shook his head. “Sorry Jack, I'm not lying.” I hugged him again. “But what's going to happen now? I mean, you said they said they would kick you out off the house if you would visit me. You did visit me.” I saw him smile a little. What the hell is he smiling this isn't funny or something... “Mum and dad said I could live here.” My eyes widened. “You say what!?” I exclaimed. “I have a room already.” My eyes lit up. “Who's your roommate?” “Well, actually I've two roommate's.” Okay, confused. “Two?” I looked at Tyler. “They only have rooms for 2 persons right? Except the room-” The door swung open and Ryan and Jayden walked in. “Skyler, what are you doing here? How do you know them?” He looked at Skyler's arm. “And why is your arm around Damien?” Jayden said. “Well, Is it forbidden to do that to your brother you haven't seen in ages.” Jayden eyes widened and I chuckled. “Sky, don't be like that. He didn't know, but wait, how do you know them?” I asked to Skyler. “Well, they are my roommate's” O god.. I heard Tyler laugh really loudly and I punched him. “Stop it. That isn't funny.” I hissed. They looked weird at us and I shook my head. “Nothing any of you would understand.” “Anyway, I guess our parents hate us right now..” Skyler said. His head shut up. “I forgot! Do they know? About, y'know you?” I chuckled. “Yes, they now. Tyler is bi too. Well, maybe he's gay we don't know for sure.” Ryan and Jayden started to laugh and Tyler glared at me. “Sorry mate, but it's true.” I said to him, trying to hold my laughter back. “Yeah, whatever. Let's not start about you're life?” He said smirking. This time it was mine turn to glare. “Okay..” Skyler said awkward. “Let's not start a fight okay?” I smiled to him. “We're not fighting. Tyler knows I love him.” Tyler rolled his eyes. I walked over to Tyler and threw myself in his lap. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I looked to Skyler. “See?” He chuckled. “Is he your boyfriend?” I shut my eyes. “No, he isn't. We're just really good friends.” I snapped. “Okay okay, easy there tiger.” Yeah, he uses 'Easy there' quite often.

After a not very interesting conversation Ryan and Jayden went back to their room and Skyler stayed at our room because he said he needed to ask me something. “Tell me, what is bothering you?” He grabbed my hands and looked at me, very serious. “You're gonna be honest with me now, if you like it or not and if Tyler doesn't have to know just say it.” I swallowed. “Okay, ask.” I said, afraid for his question. To be honest, I really don't know what he is gonna ask me.. I can't think of anything.” He took a deep breath and.. “Do you like any one from the house?” He asked really serious. Okay, I didn't see that one coming. I burst out in laughter. “You've gotta be kidding me. Is this why you are so dead serious?” He slowly nodded. “You don't have to be so serious, but yes.” He looked at me confused. “Yes?” He repeated me. “Yes, I like some one from the house.” His face lit up. “Seriously? Is it mutual?” I quickly looked over to Tyler. When I looked back Skyler's face was in shock. “What's wrong?” I asked worried. “You like Tyler don't you?” My eyes widened. “No! I was talking about Jayden!” I whisper-shouted. “Oh, sorry.” He apologized. His head shot up. “Wait you like Jayden?” I blushed and looked down. After a moment I nodded and Skyler grinned. “What are you thinking?” I asked worried. I don't like it when he is grinning. “I'm gonna play love doctor” He said, wiggling with is eyebrow. I face-palmed. “No you're not.” He nodded. “Yes. I am.” He looked over at Tyler. “Dude, you're helping me?” Tyler head shot up with tears in his eyes. “What?” Tyler snapped. Skyler's eyebrows shot up. “Everything alright?” Without waiting for an answer I rushed over to Tyler. “I'm so sorry, I didn't knew, but now I do. You should've told me ya know..” I whispered in his ear. He nodded. “Yeah, I'm sorry. I was afraid you won't do it any more.” He whispered back. I smiled to myself. “Yes, it would've been different for me, but I hadn't stopped.” I lifted his head up with his chin. “Remember, I always love you. Maybe different then you do, but I always will and nothing will change that. Not even you feelings.” A tear slid down his cheek and I wiped it off. “Hey babe, don't cry. Please don't.” He shook his head. “These are happy tears.” I softly smiled at his words. “Good.” I said, I pecked his lips and he froze. Shit, I forgot Skyler.. I looked up to see Skyler's shocked expression. “What's this?” He asked confused. “Are you two a couple?” We both shook our heads. “No we aren't look, it's complicated.” “Explain.” Skyler said sternly. There was no way I could escape from this. I explained everything. From that night, to admitting we would tell if any of us would get any feelings and from now. “Wow.. you both did this only for sex?” Skyler blurted. We both looked at the ground and nodded. It's like an speech from your angry mother, well since Skyler is a boy let's say an angry father. “What would Jayden have said to this.” He yelled. “Please Sky, don't do this. You know I don't like it when people yell at me and why are you so mad?” He sat down on the bed since he stood up when he yelled. “Sorry, but in my eyes you're a whore now.” My eyes widened. “What did you say!” I yelled at him. Feeling tears coming up. “It's okay, promise you'll stop if you get in a relationship with Jayden?” He begged. He clearly wanted the best for me. I sighed. “Yeah Skyler. Now stop talking like dad it's terrifying.” “Sorry.” I placed my hand on his shoulder. “It's okay bro. I understand.” I looked at Tyler to see his reaction on this. He was smiling. “Why are you smiling Ty?” I asked. “I wish I had a relationship with a brother like this. You two can yell and shout to each other but you can forgive each other within a second.” I smiled at his words. “Yeah, that's just us I guess.” I chuckled. “Yeah I guess so.” Skyler said, ruffling through my hair. “But Skyler, you wanted to play love doctor? I've got a perfect idea.” Tyler smirked. “Let's play truth or dare.”



A/N I'm so so so sorry it took me so long to update! But i'm really really buzy with school right now. I was wondering.. Is it too long? Isn't it boring? I don't know if I should continue.. i really want to but if it's boring or something then why should i continue this? Can you tell me what you think?

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