Chapter 18 ~ Memory of the second note

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Chapter 18 ~ Memory of the second note

(A/N I don't know if there is in you're eyes sexual tension, in the case you don't want to read it.. i'll put some ** for it. I really don't know if you see it like a sexual thing.. i'm sorry if you do..)

~ Flashback ~ (A/N this is before Jayden and Damien had a fight and Jayden and Skyler were very... let say close.)

"Pff, Finally!" Ryan said when we heard the bell ring, telling us our class is over. We packed our things back in our bags and we headed out of the school since it was our last class. I chuckled. "Don't be such a drama queen Ry." He looked at me hurt. Of course that was fake. "You say what? I'm not a drama queen Mr. Jackson." I grinned. "What ever mate." He rolled his eyes but then flashed me a smile. "What about a sleepover to get to know each other better. I know we know Jack now for a while but still. Skyler is still a bit new here." Jayden suggested. We looked at each other and we all agreed. I felt a pang of jealously. I mentally slapped myself. Don't be like that Damien. He will be yours someday and besides, Skyler is straight so you don't even have to worry plus, you're the one who's close with Tyler so snap out of it. "Let's go!" Ryan exclaimed.

"We can bring strawberry's and ice cream with us?" Jayden suggested. "Are we allowed to have food in our rooms? I know we're allowed to have candy but that kind of stuff?" I asked. Jayden smiled at me and shook his head. "No we aren't but if one of us asks Emily then maybe we may." He said looking at Ryan who shook his head immediately. "No way jay, not again." He said. I looked confused at him. "The last time Ryan asked it Emily had a bad day and went mad. He had to do the dishes. The whole month." Jayden explained. I laughed. "Poor you. I can ask it if you want?" Ryan nodded and I went to Emily. "Emily, can I ask you something?" She turned around and smiled at me. "Off course you can love." She replied. "She has a good day, lucky Damien." I heard Ryan whisper and I cost me a lot not to laugh. "Well, I was wondering, can we have a sleep over at Tyler and I's room?" I asked carefully. "Yes, off course you can! What kind of food do you want?" I raised my eyebrow, well this is going a lot better than I expected. "Strawberry's and ice cream?" I asked more that I said it. "Yeah off course you may! Is that everything love?" I nodded and she wishes us a happy night and she said she would bring strawberry's and ice cream when she went to she market today.

"Well, that did go a lot better then I expected." Ryan said surprised. "Let's go to our room to set everything up." Tyler said and we all agreed. When we were upstairs we grabbed the stuff we needed, like an air mattress, sleeping bags.

There was a knock on the door when we were telling each other random story's about what they've been through. "Yeah?" Jayden answered. The door swung open and Emily walked inside. "I have strawberry's and ice cream. Vanilla to be specific." We all nodded and thanked her. "Let's get the party started!" Tyler yelled. The door swung open again. "Please, not so loud Tyler." Emily said sternly but in a sweet voice. Tyler blushed slightly but nodded. "Let's get the party started!" Tyler yelled, but this time a lot quieter.

Jayden's POV.

I laughed as I watched Tyler putting some ice cream on Damien's stomach. He really has a great body. I quietly sighed. I hoped one day he was mine. The whole thing with his brother let me forget my feelings sometimes. It's not my meaning to hurt him. Still I think I am hurting him. I see it in his eyes, as soon as it comes the soon it's gone.

I snapped out off my thought when I saw Tyler bent forwards to Damien's stomach. My heart ached when I saw Tyler licking the ice cream from Damien's stomach. Yeah, it was jealously. I slightly smirked so that nobody was able to see it. "Sky, our turn." I said when Tyler was done licking Damien. I saw him smirk and looked over to Tyler who had a blank expression on his face. Yup, he was upset. I looked at Damien who was giving his brother dead glares. I guess he saw Skyler's smirk, but still.. Why would he give his brother dead glares? I shrugged in my mind and walked over to Skyler. "Ice cream and strawberry's?" Skyler asked and I nodded.

** ( Okay, sorry maybe it is sexual tension.. Sorry but not sorry )

I lied down and he putted some ice cream on my stomach with strawberry's on it. He looked me in the eyes and I nodded. He started to lick on my nipple's and I was holding back a moan. When he was finished there he started to lick and even nibble on my other nipple. He ate the strawberry's along with the ice cream. When I was clean again I sat back up and walked towards Ryan who had a wet cloth to wipe the sticky stuff away.


"Well, that was kinda hot." I heard Tyler mumble. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. "What was that Tyler?" His eyes widened slightly and his cheeks flushed red. "Nothing, I said nothing why?" He stuttered. I chuckled. "Oh, never mind." I said like I didn't hear him correctly. But believe me, I did.

When the other lads were asleep I couldn't sleep. Why you ask? I don't know. I keep repeating the scene when Tyler was licking Damien's stomach and he was enjoying it. They both were enjoying it. I don't know if he likes me, but if he does, why would he send his brother dead glares after he has licked ice cream from my stomach?

My thought were interrupted by some mumble. I looked around and saw Damien tossing in his bed. "Damien?" I whispered. No reaction. "Damien?!" I whispered a bit louder. "Jeez, Jay shut up people are trying to sleep." Ryan mumbled annoyed. "Grab the ice cream." We heard a voice mutter. I knew exactly who that was, I would recognize that voice even a mile away. I looked at Ryan and he looked at me and we both raised our eye brows. "Damien?" Ryan asked and I nodded. "Ice cream and strawberry's." He moaned in his sleep. I chuckled and Ryan's eyes widened. "What the he-" He got cut off again by a moan from Damien. "Ja-" and again a load moan. "We are so gonna tell this him tomorrow when he's awake." Ryan smirked and I silently laughed. "Yeah, we are. Now i'm gonna trying to sleep again. Good night Ry."

Damien's POV.

"You were moaning in your sleep!" Jayden shouts when he sees that I open my eyes. "Jeez, Jay. I'm just aw- wait what did you say?" I ask him. "I said, you were moaning in your sleep!" He shouted again. My eyes widened. "W-what did I say?" I stuttered. The thing is, that I was moaning in my sleep, I don't care. I care more about what I was saying. I remember my dream quiet good. It was about Jayden so you know enough I guess. "You were saying like Ice cream and Strawberry's and 'Ja', I guess you didn't finish that one." I face-palmed and I felt my cheeks heat up. Yup, I'm as red as a tomato. "Just leave it okay Jay?" I groaned. He looked confused but didn't say anything afterwards.

Much to my relief.

I just hope he doesn't know that 'Ja-' was meant to be 'Jayden.'


A/N Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! :)

First, O my gash, this story has 624 reads ! I love you guys so much ! My eyes widened seriously when i saw it, my boyfriend thought something bad happened xD 

Second, What do you think about this chappie?? 

Third, On the right side is the song 'One Direction - Live while we're young' There is no reason why i put it there, just because i like it. 

I love ya all ! :) 

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