Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first story on wattpad so I'm sorry if there are grammatical errors and shit. So

I hope you guys enjoy the story. The first chapter might be short I'm sorry xc love you guys see you later baiiii!

I'm Jesse. I'm 17 years old. I'm going to go on warped tour soon. I'm excited! I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Hey, Daman." I greeted the male who was standing in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Hey, Jess." He said back.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked him while trying to look at what he was cooking.

"Eggs." He simply said.

"Okay, I'll pass then." I said with a grimace on my face. I didn't like eggs.

"C'mon Jess, you need to eat something once in a while. It's not healthy." He said with a sigh at the end of his sentence.

"Fine." I groaned.

I ate "breakfast" and went upstairs and brushed my teeth. I went into my bedroom and picked out my outfit for today. A BVB t-shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, and black vans.

I styled my hair and did my makeup. Once I was finished I put on my black beanie. I walked downstairs and said "bye" to Daman.

Once I got to school I saw a really cute guy. I went to my locker and was getting my stuff for class when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and looked up to see the guy I saw earlier.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I replied bluntly back.

"I'm Kyle." The blonde boy said. He smiled widely.

"I'm Jesse." I smiled slightly.

"It's nice to meet you Jesse. I'm new here and do you know where Mrs.Kerry's history class is?"

"Yea. I have her for first hour, too."

"Okay cool. Am I allowed to walk with you?" He teased me.

"Sure." I winked at him.

"Thanks. I like your outfit by the way."

"Thanks, Kyle."

"Your very welcome, Jesse."

It turns out Kyle was a YouTuber. He was also part of the my digital escape crew. I didn't notice untill now but he is THE Kyle David Hall. Johnnie Gilbert's friend. We got to know each other during first period and it turns out we have all our classes together.

-----------time skip (lunch)--------

I sat down at a table by myself. I don't know where Kyle went. So now I'm sitting here alone since Kyle and Luna are gone.

I sat there doing nothing for about ten minutes untill someone tapped my shoulder. Great, I thought. I turned around and saw that it was Kyle.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" He said as he sat down next to me.

I pulled out my phone and turned on the camera and switched the view to where it was facing me.

"Ugh, I look hideous." I mumbled.

"Actually, you look really pretty.." Kyle blushed.

"Aww. Your cute." I said. And I started blushing too.

~omg guys I'm so sorry if it's short. It's the first chapter and I promise I'll try to make the chapters longer. Stay strong, and don't quit.~

Updated A/n:

Edited 12/30/16

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