Chapter 10

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Hey guys. Sorry for not updating in a while I've been really busy, and now with school starting again I might not be updating every three days like I have been. Sorry :c


~~A month later~~

I woke up the next day not feeling well. Ugh I don't feel good at all I thought. I walked into the bathroom and did my hair and makeup. I went out and sat on the couch next to Jordan.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I replied.

"Are you ok? You look pale.." He asked with a concerned voice.

"I don't feel good, that's all." I replied.

I started humming Go Go Go by sleeping with sirens as Johnnie walked in with Alex. Johnnie has been acting distant lately, and he's been hanging around with Alex a lot. I mentally sighed and just got up and left the room. I don't need Alex ruining my day, again.

I sat on my bunk and huddled in the corner. I wasn't going to let myself cry, but tears started flowing down my face. I looked on my phone and saw it was 3:45 pm. Only fifteen minutes before we get to the next destination for warped tour. I might get a taxi to drive me back to Ohio, or to Johnnie's place since we're in Arizona.

Johnnie gave me a key to his house since I go there often and in case I needed anything.

I started to pack my things when Jordan came in the bunk room.

"What are you doing Jess?" He asked.

"I'm going back to California, Jordan."

"Aww, but why?" He asked with a small pout.

"Johnnie's been acting more distant lately, and I'm just not having fun. I'd rather be home, watching YouTube or anime than be on a bus traveling without anyone to talk to." I stated plainly.

"But you have me, Kyle, and Bryan to talk to.." he said looking sadder than before.

"But Johnnie doesn't talk to me! He only talks to Alex and I just want to go and stay at Johnnie's house untill you guys are gone. Okay?" I said snapping at him.

"Okay." He said as he walked off.

I finished packing and we finally arrived to our destination. I called a taxi and said my farewells to everyone except Johnnie and Alex. If Johnnie wanted to know where I was, he could text me. I asked Bryan earlier if I could stay in the apartment and he said yes.

I told the cab driver where I wanted to go and I set my things in the back seat of the car. I sat in the back as well and we started heading back to California. I saw Johnnie come out, and look at the taxi strangely, but didn't say or do anything. He just got back on the bus.

Wow, I thought to myself, what a boyfriend.

----- time skip (in California)-------

I thanked the driver and gave him the money for the ride. I grabbed my bags and headed up to the apartment. I unlocked the door and set my stuff in the guest bedroom. I sat down on the couch and turned on Netflix.

I decided to watch Death Note. I started from episode one and started to binge watch the anime.

After over four hours of Death Note I decided to go to bed. It was 10:30 pm. I went to sleep humming to Roger Rabbit by Sleeping With Sirens.

I woke up in the morning and made myself some breakfast. This is gonna be a long time that I'm staying here. I thought. Hey I could make a welcome back party for them when they get back to California!

I decided that I would do that. Now I'd just need to figure out how to plan the party.


Hehe New update!! I hope you guys enjoyed. I'm sorry there's so much time skips ·^·

~stay strong, don't quit~

Edited 3/25/17

Edited....Again 4/14/17

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