Chapter 16

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My alarm clock went off and I was moving my hand around looking for the button to turn it off. I really didn't want to go to school today. I finally turned it off and got up. I took a shower and blow dried my hair.

I got up and put on a MCR shirt and black skinny jeans. I put on some black converse and a black beanie. I didn't do anything with my make-up and started packing my backpack up for today. 

I wasn't in a good mood at all. I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I walked out of the house not saying goodbye or anything to my brother.

I started walking down the sidewalk when I saw a guy with black scene styled hair and dazzling green eyes. He looked over at me and waved. I waved back as I took in his appearance. Black ripped skinny jeans, a BVB shirt, black TOMS and a black beanie.

He walked over to me and introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Joshua" he said.

"I'm Jesse. It's nice to meet you Joshua" I said. I wasn't a big socializing type of person, but I don't know, I felt different around him. I felt comfortable.

He nodded as we continued walking to school. 

"So, Jesse, not to be creepy but how old are you?" He said while scratching his neck awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm 17 currently turning 18 in a few weeks. How about you?" I asked him.

"18," he replied

"Cool," I said. At least we were close in age.

We continued walking untill we had to say our goodbyes before going to class. I ran into Kyle and he had a disgusted look on his face.

"Why in the name of fucking God were you hanging around Joshua?" He asked me, venom dripping from every word.

"Oh so you know him?" I asked him.

"Do I know him? Do I KNOW HIM?!" He asked getting louder as he said every word.

"Holy shit, Kyle, I didn't know, okay? Just tell me what your problem with him is. He's a nice guy." I said simply. I didn't want to listen to a pissed off Kyle David Hall. He's scary when he's mad.

"Yes, Jesse, for a fact I do know him. He's a complete ass who will end up taking advantage of you. I don't want to see you hurt again so just stay away from him okay?"

"Okay," I said quietly.

Kyle actually cared about me. It was sweet. We continued on the rest of the day and afterwards he came over to my house to study for a test we had the next day.

We studied for a few hours and soon Kyle had to leave. Before he left he whispered something in my ear.

"Jordan's coming to Ohio tomorrow to see you, Jesse."


Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter. I have a new book if you want to check it out it's called You Girl and it's a Johnnie Guilbert fan fiction! I tried writing a longer chapter here so here you guys go!

~stay strong, don't quit~

Edited A/n:

Edited 10/11/17

Damn I made Kyle mean lmao

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