Chapter 15

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-*Kyle's P.O.V.*-

I had to tell Jordan about Jess. He was extremely worried about her, and he has a huge crush on her so I think he deserves to know. 

---*--- Conversation ---*---

J= Jordan

K= Kyle

I need to talk to you about Jesse Jordan

He responded immediately.

What about her?

She's here. In Ohio.


Yeah. You should come and talk to her.

 I will. I'm still at Johnnie's place so I will.

Cool, you can stay at my place. My mom wouldn't mind.

---*--- end of conversation ---*---

I sighed. At least that's done, I thought to myself. Now I just need to tell Jess.

-*Jess's P.O.V.*-

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I was thinking about Jordan, I had to admit that, but he's probably not even worried about me. He's probably with Shannon right now, messing around, or making a video with her. I got on my phone and typed in the password. I logged onto Twitter and decided to go on Jordan's profile. I looked at the most recent tweet.

JORDAN SWEETO @JordanSweeto 

"Making a video with @HeyThereImShan 🐱"

I sighed. I was right. I tossed my phone on my soft, carpeted floor and laid on my pillows and fell asleep. I had school in the morning so I needed my "beauty" rest.

Edited 6/17/17

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