Chapter 13

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I finished driving back to Ohio. School was going to start soon and I wasn't excited to be facing Kyle. I sighed and flopped down onto my bed when I got home. I fell asleep just as my head hit the pillow.

-* Jordan's P.O.V. *-

Oh my God, Did I just see Jesse? I rushed out of the store leaving Shannon behind. I saw her car go out of the parking lot and speed off. 

"H-hey wait up, J-Jordan" Shannon said out of breath. She was heeling over and panting.

"I'm sorry, Shannon" I said. I gave her an apologetic look. I looked around, but lost sight if Jesse's car.

"Its okay, Jordan." She said as she gave me a small smile. We walked back to my car, walking at a normal speed this time.

We got in the car and drove back to the apartment. Kyle left a few days ago back to Ohio. Once we got to the apartment I rushed in and walked into Alex and Johnnie making out.

"I SAW- OH MY GOD THE PDA!" I shouted. I covered my eyes and started mumbling incoherent things like, my eyes! My virgin eyes!!

Johnnie let go of Alex and looked at me.

"Saw who?" He asked like I didn't just walk in on them making out.

"Jesse." I said while giving him a look.

"Oh...J-Jesse?" He asked. Johnnie felt bad for hurting her, but Alex didn't.

"Yeah, Jesse" I said giving him another dirty look. I was pissed he had cheated on her because she didn't deserve that crap.

"Ugh, Jesse" Alex groaned while rolling her eyes.

"Stop it, Alex" Johnnie said. Now it was his turn to give her the look.

I sighed and texted Kyle to look out for Jesse. I was worried about her.

"JOOORRDDDAAANNN!!!" Shannon shouted.

"Whaaaatttt???" I shouted back.

"Come here." she said while a small blush dusted her cheeks.

I walked over to her and was surprised when she kissed me on the cheek. I blushed a light crimson color.

"I've liked you for a while now Jor." she said, calling me by the nick name she gave me.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to be my boyfriend" she said while blushing.

"Um, S-sure I guess" I said. I wasn't very sure about this. I knew I had a thing for Jesse, but how was it going to work out since I know she doesn't like me like that. I didn't really like Shannon like that. I liked Jesse like that. I liked Jesse A LOT.

"Yay!" She shouted. She hugged me tightly, then let go of me and went to the bathroom.

I sighed and sat on the couch thinking about Jesse. Why couldn't I get her out of my head?


I labeled the chapters wrong when I first wrote this it was chapter 14 but it's actually 13 sorry guys

Edited 4/15/17. Happy Easter!

✅Drown Out (Jordan Sweeto)✅Where stories live. Discover now