Finding kian...

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Kian's POV:

* megan gets into the car with the rest of the guys & we get to where the cop and kian were & megan rolls out of the car while it's still moving & megan runs over to me & kicks the gun out of my hand* 

THE FUK MEGAN. I DON'T WANNA LIVE. THIS S- *megan kneels down beside me & hugs me* " you kian... are not giving up. we need you alive for lexi... alrighty?"  * jc comes out & picks me up& looks at the cop...* " wh... what happened?" * i cry* " the guy shot him  i guess he had a silincer because i didn't hear shit.
*jc brings me to the car & puts him in* 
Jc: bring him back to the hospital im going wirth megan to find lexi

Jc's POV: 

* i clean the car out.... and megan laughs* " i ain't afraid of no blood" & i  drag the body out* " how bout a dead body?" * i drag it out off to the side and megan gets& we drive and try to find their car & jc stops the car & cries& yells* "THIS IS NOT FAIR MEGAN!
Megan: Baby! CALM DOWN!
*she kisses me and smiles& holds my hand & i smile* " thanks baby&  he starts driving again & i see a car pulled over & i get out* 
Me: Stay in the car & i go to the trunk & put a bullet proof vest on& go over to the car & open the door & they shoot me 4 times in the chest & i land on the ground unconcious*|

Megans Pov:

i scream* " JC! OH MY GOD" * the car drives away fast & i take the vest off of him and i rip his shirt open & grab his hand & put it on the bleeding bullet wound& i go to the back of the caer and get the first aid kit & call 911& they send a amulance & the ambulance gets there& im giving him mouth to mouth&  jc's not breathing the paramedics come and put him on the gurney*

EMS: how many times?
"four" *  i say in tears & i get inthe ambulance & we head to the hospital* 

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