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Kian's POV

* the guy laughs*  I am never ever going to te-

*i over hear him and i get up out of my bed& the nurse tries sitting me down & im  fighting her* " hey bitch. That's my  girl... tell me or i'll put a bullet in your head. *

*he laughs* " yea... oh hows your legs by the way.. i was the one who drove away and i saw you get shot  in the legs.
*i sit in a wheel chair & wheel myself into his room on over to his bed* " tell me where you took her....  now..." 
*he spits in my face* " what the hell you gonna do cripple?" * i stand up& push the wheelchair away from me*  " i can still stand. i'm no fuking cripple you asshole... and by the way... i killed your friend... and i loved it.. it felt great" 

*he laughs*  it was that  way with your girl.... cutting her slowly with knifes, raping her,  tieing her up and leaving her there hearing her scr-
*i slap him and unplug his morphine* " you'll feel that in  a few... all of your pai-"
*he screams* " NURSE" *  a nurse comes running in his room...i stop the nurse* " this bastard torchured and raped my girlfriend... so if you want to help him... your just as bad as he is..." 
* the nurse walks quickly out of his room& i laugh* " you are never going to get help... i'm going to let you die slowly in pain... and induce pain... like yo-"
*he grabs my arm& i grab his arm and twist it* " can't fuk with a cripple... i'm stronger then you bitch.. "
*somebody walks in & laughs*
 " oh kian... this is priceless. i love it"
* i turn around* " ho-how do you know me? ... my name for that matter?"
* the guy takes off his mask* " hello." 

 * my jaw drops* " how... did you find me?" 

Missing Girl W/ Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now