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I'm sorry in advance... if you get super emotional... i want you to tell me <3 



*I wince in pain* " NURSE HELP ME!!!!!!" * megan  jumps& runs to get a nurse* " NURSE" * i start crying& a nurse and megan  rush back in* "babe your gonna be okay... you got shot... i don't know if you remember... i saw you get shot in the chest 4 times.... i thought you died jc. " * the nurse shoves megan out of the room& i reach out for her and my  arm colapses &  i  black out & go into V-fib* 

Megan's POV 


*a nurse runs in his room with a crash cart& they charge the paddles* 
" 120.... Clear" * zaps jc... still nothing* " charging to  140... .. clear!" * zaps him again & still nothing* " Charging to 150.... clear!" * zaps him again...still nothing* " Charging to 200..... clear!" * his heart rate flows back into normal& they put a oxygen mask on jc and let me back into the room* 
Nurse: " he's lucky to be alive... he was almost dead for 11 minutes.."

*i start crying* " jc... i love you honey"
 * jc holds my hand& says weakly* " do these burn marks make me look sexy?" * he laughs weakly* 

*i laugh weakly while crying* " yes hon they make you look se.... wait you already were sexy before them." * he laughs & pulls me in for a kiss& we kiss for at least 5 minutes& connor comes in*

 "megan... kian's in trouble... " 

Missing Girl W/ Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now