A New Day

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Sorry i skipped so much but i didn't wanna bore you guys.

Kian's POV: 

several months later i get out of the hospital& go over to megans house& i go up to her door  & i knock* 

"megan? you home?"
* megan opens the door* " kiki!" * she hugs me & smiles* 
" megan... did you give up on finding lexi?... " 
* she sighs & plays the recorder* " this is the last message i heard" 
* lexi screams* " KIAN! I LOVE YOU...TAKE CARE OF MEGAN" * the recorder stops* " that was 2 months ago kiki... i tired to look for her....  but... " 
* i go back into my car* " YOU COMING?" 
* megan comes running & gets into the passengers seat next to me* " we are going to find her.. even  if it kills me... i finally got out of the hospital all that shit is behind me.. " 
*megan looks over at me* " wait for jc." 
*jc comes running out & gets into the back seat& i back out of the drive way& drive* 

*we get to a empty feild* " you sure this is where the s-"
* jc yells* " KIAN!" * jc sits on the ground& drags her into his lap& cries* " kian.... she bled out" 
*i rush over to jc & pick lexi up& i cry*  babe... if you can hear me  let me know some how& her eyes flutter& she saud weakly* " k...ki..kiki.." * i cry & bring her into the back of my car & i sit with her in my arms* " JC YOUR DRIVING" * megan gets into the car& jc gets into the drivers seat & speeds to the hospital &  i get out with lexi in my arms & i yell* " WE NEED A GURNEY OUT HERE" 
*the nurses rush out with a gurney & i lay her down& i run behind the nurses & they  get her into ICU& they make me wait on the other side of the hall& i sit down in a chair with blood all over me & a nurse comes up to me* " we don't have enough blood to fill her system ... i'm sorry..."  * starts to walk away*
"n-nurse! i have the same blood type as her...."  * the nurse rushes me back& they get a iv ready & hook me up to her& she wakes up& she smiles * " k-..ian" * she says weakly & i look up & the nurse unhooks me from her iv & takes her iv out& i try and stand up*

" nurse... i can't feel my legs:"  
*the nurse checks my pulse* " you gave her half of your blood... you will have to be admitted too... im sorry kian i know you just got out... but if you want to save your life you better..." 
*i lay in the bed next to lexi& the nurse puts our beds close together & i hold lexi's hand* " i gave you half my blood... " * she smiles* " that could have killed you kiki" 

Missing Girl W/ Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now