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Megan's POV

* i go back into kian's room* " have you told jc yet? "
* Kian frowns* " no. i haven't you are the first person that i have told."
* i smile* " you can tell jc when he wakes up"
*kian starts crying* " if he wakes back up.. he was up once.. i want him to be okay megan.."
*i go over to his bed* " i know you do.. and you want lexi to be okay too.. you know what? i am going out to find her kiki. i will bring her here."

2 hours later
I arrive at the last place where i was with jc and i see a car across the street & i get out & the van door opens and a couple guys come out* " hi megan!"
* i stop and put my hand in my back pocket*
"woah woah woah there megan! we are going to help you find lexi! not hurt anybody! see we are cops" * he takes out his badge & i sigh* "oh thank the lord"
"did you guys find anything else on where lexi could be?

*the guy stutters* " no... hav..have you ever been told you are really beautiful?
*i hit his arm not playfully* " and you should know... that i do have a boyfriend" *he blushes* " well yeah i knew but.."
*his cellphone rings& he picks it uP and a few seconds later he takes it away from his head and puts it on speaker..... all of a sudden lexi screams* "NOO PLEASE DON'T"
*i scream* "LEXI! A-
*the phone hangs up*
"did you .... did you guys get that?... did you get where it came from ? i ... we need to find her... she's pregnant...."

Missing Girl W/ Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now