Chapter 6

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Harley's POV

It was now Tuesday and I didn't want to go to school but this time I had a reason, I had a bad headache from what happened Monday night. I had been in a fight at the gym and this guy got me really good in the side of the head. I sit up and wince, ouch that was not a good idea. I laid back down and rested my head.

Hunter came into my room "how you holding up sis??" He asked while setting a glass of water and some pain killers on my bedside table. I sighed and faced him "I feel like I got hit with a truck what was that guys hand made out of??" Hunter chuckled
"I don't know but that was a serious blow to the head." I winced and he smiled,
"It's fine I'll tell the school you're not coming in today, ok??" I smile and sit up slowly
"Thanks Hunt" he smiled and left. I reached over to the painkillers and water, once I swallowed them I drank the rest of the water before laying back down and replaying what happened last night.

It was half seven and Hunter and I had just pulled up to the gym so we could get ready for our fights that would be happening at half eight and half nine. His fight would be at half eight then there would be two more fights before mine at half nine.

Once we entered the gym we split up to head to the champions dressing rooms. Once inside I was met with the other six girls who where nearly ready. I smiled "hey guys when are you fighting??" They smiled and spoke as I got ready. Once I was changed in a completely black sports bra and short compression shorts. This left the rose on my thigh visible and the feather near my collar bone on full display along with my dragon tattoo and my hair was up in a bun with black feathers which left my neck tattoo of a small skull  on display. I then went over to the mirror and began to apply my make up, I layered on thick mascara since I didn't like false ones, I then did black smokey eye and blood red lips before painting a feather on the right side of my face near my eye.

After awhile the others had all been called to fight. I had decided to stay in the dressing room, till one of them came and got me. A little while later Siren told me to grab my robe since I was supposed to be a surprise. Once I had it done up and the hood over my head we headed downstairs to the ring.

I entered the room and was met with applause and screams from the crowd. Siren had left me and I saw her sat with the other champions that had fought which included my brother, Ace, Brody and Jay. I entered the ring with a confident bounce over the side. I looked to my left where I saw my opponent which was a dude about 6'3 with some serious muscle. This caused me to smirk yeah the muscle would make him more powerful but it would also slow him down and I was well known for my speed.

I preferred fighting guys to girls because they where more strait forward and didn't do shit like pull your hair. Anyway back on point here, the guy took one look at my hooded figure and smirked. I rolled my eyes poor dude isn't going to know what hit him.

The announcer turned to the audience "ladies and gentlemen for the next fight we have in the blue corner Machete, tall strong and ready to destroy anything in his path." The machete guy raised his arms and the crowd cheered for him. The announcer guy came over to me so I undid the robe but kept the hood up. He looked at me and winked "and in the red corner we have-" he pulled my hood down and dragged the robe off me "we have a surprise appearance from Raven, she's strong she's quick and able to take down anyone in her way. Take your bets on who will win"

After that I looked back at the guy who now looked kinda unsure. The bell was rung and our match began. Machete ran at me, I dodged and elbowed his spine as he came passed. He turned and caught my arm, he spun me and got me on the floor. I kicked at his legs and rolled up to a standing position before getting into an offensive stance, I got a couple well placed punches in before he got me in the side of the head.

I felt my eyes sting, fuck that hurt, I glared at the dude and remembered what Spider had taught me and smirked. I dodged and blocked several moves before using my speed and slender frame to my advantage. I ran at him and jumped landing on his back catching him off guard. He tried to get me off so I moved up and wrapped my legs around his neck and began to squeeze. He began to loose balance and he got a good grip on my leg, I shoved my hands down on his shoulders released my legs and pushed up. I used this momentum to flip off him and kick him in the face before landing in a crouch.

He still seemed a bit dazed so I used it to my advantage  I ran at him but he obviously wasn't as dazed as I thought as he caught me arm and punched me in the head before throwing me to the floor. He aimed a kick at me but I rolled out the way and kicked back up to standing. He aimed another hit on me but I dodged to the left. He tried it again and this time he caught me with his foot as I ducked. Once I straitened out I ran at him again and round house kicked him in the stomach. As he doubled over in pain I kneed him in the chest before delivered the final blow between his shoulder blades. After that he fell to the floor.

Once I was declared the winner I headed over to where the rest of the champions were. Hunter handed me an ice pack which I was thankful for I watched a few more fights before I passed out.

I smiled I took some hard hits but still I remained undefeated. After about an hour my head felt a little better so I had a shower before getting changed into some cut of jean shorts and a baggy crop top. I headed down stairs where I saw Hunter and Spider playing Call Of Duty. At the end of the game Spider jumped up "haha yes, I win" I rolled my eyes as Hunter began sulking line a little kid.

I walked into the room and made my presence known "Really Hunt you're gonna sulk, how old are you five??" Both their heads snapped to me and Spider ran and picked me up.
"How are you my little bird??" I smiled as he set me down.
"My head hurts like hell but other than that I'm fine," he nodded his head
"I know I saw you fight, great job though but coming from you I wouldn't expect anything else."

I chuckled and turned to Hunter
"What we got food wise I'm hungry" he chuckled
"Is that a not so subtle hint you want me to make you lunch??" I smile and nod
"Yes please, thanks for offering" he rolls his eyes and walks out. I jump and slide onto the sofa next to Spider. "Do what we doing??" He just smiles
"We where playing a game but Hunter had a hissy fit so not much, why do you wanna play??" I shrug
"Meh I don't see why not" and with that our battle began.

Three games later Spider was the one having a hissy fit "what the hell!! How are you so good at this??" He yelled and I laughed
"What would you expect?? It's me after all and I never loose." He pouted and Hunter came in
"I should have warned you about that, she's creepily good at those games." Spider still pouted
"In beginning to think she got all the good genes, I mean she's strong, smart, beautiful and never looses."

At this Hunter dramatically falls on the sofa clutching his chest "you wound me, you truly do. I thought we where friends" he even began to fake cry. At this we all burst out laughing
"Dude you are such a drama queen" I say between laughs he takes a bow before heading back into the kitchen when he returned he had pizza and other junk food. He laid them all on the table before joining us
"What are we gonna do now??" I looked at Spider to see he was looking right back at me we shared a look before shouting "MOVIE DAY!!" And that is exactly what we did.

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