I Saw That Buddy

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I wasn't stupid. I knew what I saw as soon as I rounded the corner. I needed to talk to Michael as soon as possible. I mean, he probably needed a therapist or a support group. He had a really big problem.

He kissed his cousin.

I winced as the image racked through my brain and pushed everything else out. I had been coming back from the store with some new newspapers for Abigail when I saw them at the pizza parlor. It looked like he had been whispering something to her at first, but then as I moved closer, I knew that it wasn't the case. What was he thinking? That poor girl. She's probably scarred for life now.

But why would Michael want to kiss his own cousin? He never seemed that desperate, and I knew he was weird but he never told me he was into that sort of thing. Wasn't that illegal? Michael would never risk something that could get him into jail; he's still watching My Little Pony. I rubbed my face from both exhaustion and confusion, nearly dropping the newspapers in the process.

When I got back to Abigail's friend's apartment, I found her sitting on the couch with a blanket pulled up to her chin. Her eyelashes fluttered as she dreamed and I didn't think I could wake her up while she was in such a cute state. However, it didn't seem like I had a choice because as I creepily watched her, I ran into the table and caused a lamp to fall off of it. The broken glass shards splattered everywhere on the floor and I jumped back, tumbling over the back of the couch and causing both of us to end up on the floor.

She groaned as she landed on top of me with an oomph. Her eyelids slowly revealed her beautiful dark blue eyes. I was caught in a daze. I realized that her freckles didn't look quite so big with her face barely an inch from mine and that even though she wasn't wearing any lipstick, her lips were a natural red color. Her lashes were coated in that thingy girls like to use. I was so caught up in her features that I didn't notice her clearing her throat. Or her calling my name. Twice.

"Luke!" she called for the third time. "What the heck happened?" She snapped her fingers in front of my face and I quickly shook my head.

"Ow," the reality of the pain seeping through my skull settling in. I reached my arms out and rubbed the back of my head where a large bump probably the size of an egg was forming. At least I could use this as an excuse for me dazedly staring at her beauty.

"Yeah, I may have head butted you on the way down on accident and caused your head to hit the ground twice. Sorry about that," she said apologetically. It was then I noticed the little red rash appearing on her forehead.

"Are you okay?" I automatically asked, eyes wide as I brought my hand up to her forehead in order to inspect the rash. If I wasn't quite literally in her face, I wouldn't have been able to notice her cheeks slightly tinting a shade darker.

"I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be the one asking that," she laughed softly. "But, yeah, I am."

I sighed in relief, a smile twitching at the side of my lips. "Good, I wouldn't want to be sued for giving you a concussion."

"Doesn't matter if you did. I wouldn't be able to afford it, anyway," she joked before her face went serious again. Our eyes met and in that moment, I felt cheesier than Gouda.

"You can do it, you know," I said softly as I gazed into her ocean of eyes. They were the kind of eyes you could easily get lost in because the deeper you looked, the darker the blue they became. I felt as if I were in a trance every time our eyes met and each time it got harder and harder to snap out of it.

"Do what?" she asked, her voice full of an eager curiosity as if what I would say actually mattered to her.

"Anything," I replied with a dopey smile as I brushed her hair away from her face, my hand instantly resting on to her cheek.  It was like a habit; like a puzzle piece made for my hand. Who knew a cheek could fit so perfectly against it?

"I really want to kiss you," I whispered, tracing her lips with the tip of my thumb. Her eyes widened and she froze in place. I took that as my opportunity to lean in. I could feel her breath against my lips, and my heart skipped a few beats because of how fast it was beating against my chest. Just as my lips brushed over hers, a ghost of a kiss, the door swung open to reveal Calum and a dark headed girl. Wait a minute... Calum?

I quickly pulled away, almost hitting my head against the floor again. Abigail pushed herself off of me after realizing the position she was in on top of my chest. Both of our faces were flushed crimson.

"Abby?" the dark headed girl called, eyebrows furrowed.

"I, uh, hey," Abby rushed out nervously.

"What are you doing here?" the girl asked incredulously.

"Long story," Abby sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"And who is this?" she went on, pointing at me.

"A friend," Abby replied hesitantly. I couldn't blame her after what just went down. "Can I explain over coffee or tea?"

"I have some tea bags in the kitchen," the girl nodded her head at the door and Abby hurriedly disappeared behind it to escape from the awkward tension.

"Come on this way, Calum," the girl gestured for him to follow her before turning to me. "You, get out."

"Will do," I nodded as she strutted past.

I thought I was in the good before Calum placed his warm palm on my shoulder, giving it a firm pat as he passed, "I saw that, buddy."



well I thought I wouldn't be a shit person and actually update because it's CHRISTMAS. well technically not bc it's 1:00 am rn, but wutever!!!

but it doesn't even feel like christmas to me. it's all rainy and like seventy degrees out. ick.

sorry for not updating in like a bajillion years. I'm sure most of you have stopped following this story, but hopefully those of you who are still bearing with me enjoy this. i actually kinda like this chapter even if it's a little short.


guys im really not asking for a lot when i say I want feedback. I'm not doing it cause I want to, I'm doing it cause it honestly motivates me and let's me know how you guys feel about my work. and I know I haven't updated in a while, but hopefully that'll change since things are less crazy in my life and that I've gotten past most of my writers block for now.

thank you so much for even looking at my story and getting this to 2k. it means so much. ok long ass note finished.

love you all xo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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