That's Why I'm Here... To Shop

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"Michael!" Luke yelled.

"What?" I yelled back even though the walls were paper thin and I could probably whisper and have him hear me clearly.

"Go get some food!" he yelled yet again.

"Why me?" I whined.

"Because I don't feel like it, Calum is in the shower, and Ashton is asleep."

"Not anymore," Ashton's voice rang through the walls making me chuckle.

"Fine, you lazy ass," I said and grabbed my wallet.

Once I got to the store I filled my basket up with mostly unhealthy food. Chips, bread, ham, pizza bites (which happened to be delicious), and sodas.

I paid for the food and brought out my phone to text Luke that I got it when I bumped into a petite body. I dropped my bag and grabbed her waist before she could completely fall down.

"Sorry!" she exclaimed. "Sorry, I'm just sorry."

"It's okay," I laughed. "I should be the one apologizing."

"No, I'm so clumsy and you know," she pulled at her blue beanie nervously as she stood up straight again.

"Glad I caught you, then," I smiled.

"Oh, yeah! Thanks for that!" she said with wide eyes.

"No problem, it was a pleasure," I nearly face palmed myself. "Not a pleasure that you were falling, a pleasure that I caught... you."

She smiled at the ground and looked back up to me. "Well," she started. "I'm gonna go shopping now. That's why I'm here, at a grocery store, to shop."

I found her awkward state cute, honestly. Something about the way her eyes widened with every word I said and how she would tug at her blue beanie in her nervous state made me want to hug and kiss her. Okay, Michael. You need to tone the creepy down. But still. She was super hot.

"Have fun...?" I hesitated, realizing that I didn't know what to call her yet.

"Riley," she smiled, the shyness slowly dissolving from her features.

"Well have fun, Riley. Just so you know, I'm Michael. Nice meeting you," I said before stepping to the side so she could go through the doors. I liked the way her name rolled off my tongue.

"Bye Michael," she waved and then she disappeared inside the store.

I spun around, debating which way to go. I almost went inside to talk to her some more, but a thought came across my mind.

I promised Ashton I would stay single with him and what kind of best friend would break a promise? I swear, that boy was so much trouble for me sometimes. I sighed, doing my best to keep my mind from drifting back to Riley as I went back to the apartment.

"What the hell took you so long?" Calum asked nearly pouncing on me to get the bag out of my hands in the doorway. "Pizza bites, yes!"

"Just got a little held up on the way back, that's all," I shrugged, trying to keep in the story I was practically dying to tell. I always told them when I encountered a hot girl. It felt wrong to keep it from them.

"You okay Mikey?" Calum furrowed his brow. "You look a bit constipated."

"Yeah," I squeaked out. God, this was harder than I thought.

"Anyway, what held you up?" Ashton asked eating a bite of a -- now warm -- piece of pizza bites. I grabbed some pieces and shoved them into my mouth, wincing slightly at how hot they were on the inside.

"I mret a fwirl," I spoke with a full mouth, fortunately nothing coming out clearly.

"What?" Luke asked confused.

"I mretf a bifirl!" I said holding in the laughter. Their faces were absolutely priceless.

"Think it's worth it?" Calum asked looking at the other two.

"Nah, it's Michael," Ashton shook his head with a goofy smile.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I thought I would actually have to tell them for a second there. Maybe later, when Ashton was little less raw off of his previous relationship with Megan. Hey, I never even liked the girl anyway. She stole my Spider-man action figure when we were younger.



aww I wanted to give you guys a look into michaels weird/cute side!!! did it work or...?

thanks for reading I appreciate it!

btw Riley is on the side

this chapter is dedicated to @ashtoni because she commented and comments make me v v happy. I'm just letting you know that I'm so easy when it comes to dedications cause I'll simply dedicate a chapter to someone who comments.

yes, guys. I'm that lame. deal with it.



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