The Cousin?

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I grabbed my wallet and made sure I had enough money for dinner with Riley tonight. Turns out, the whole 'cousin' fiasco came in handy, but now Calum wouldn't leave me alone about it.

"Drop it, Cal," I rubbed the side of my face when he walked in the room with a determined look on his face.

"Drop what? The fact that you got mad at me for nothing? I'm good," he said with a shrug and leaped over the couch to sit on it, nearly tumbling off the other side. He was trying to play it cool, but that was obviously not working out.

"I didn't get mad at you for nothing," I stated with a glare. I was surprised by the tone in my voice. Usually I would brush off something Calum would say, but for whatever reason he was really getting on my nerves today.

"You have family over just as sudden as I do and yet you yelled at me for it?" he raised a bushy eyebrow. "I don't know about you, but I call that way overreacting."

"Whatever," I grumbled and walked out the door to make sure he wouldn't get any other words in. I checked my wallet one last time because he had cut me off short when he walked into the room.

I stopped mid step. I had two twenties in there and now there was only one twenty and a ten. I clenched my jaw and opened the apartment door once again, shouting angrily, "Who took some of my money?!"

"Payback's a bitch," Calum called back. "You're lucky Luke put a ten in there!"

I wanted to strangle the living day lights out of him, but it wasn't like we hadn't done this before. I just wish it wasn't right before I went out on a date with Riley. Wait, no. This wasn't a date. This was a very intimate outing with my fake cousin that was really pretty and cute.

I squeezed my eyes shut, banging my head against a pole whilst doing so. I hated the way she made me feel and I hated myself for not having the strength to stay away from her. It was just a girl, so why did I feel the constant need to get to know her?

I had been with prettier girls. It was selfish to say, but true. Riley wasn't the best I could get, but something about how her curls bounced slightly when she giggled and how she tugged at her blue beanie when she was nervous and how her crystal blue eyes lit up a little when I flirted with her made me want to wrap my arms around her and never let go. She looked like a good cuddle.

Once I got out of the apartment complex, my converse were immediately surrounded by a mucky puddle. "Shit," I cursed angrily and stepped over it. Now the bottom of my pants were soaked and to make it better; they looked dirty, too. I could see the restaurant from here and the familiar blonde hair with a maroon beanie waiting out in the front at a table. She looked like she was meant to be there.

Her white shirt had something written on the pocket, but I couldn't decipher the words. Her black skinny jeans hugged her curves perfectly as she draped one leg over the other. Her eyes anxiously glanced around the streets as she chewed on her nails and pulled at her beanie every now and then. She was probably looking for me since I was about five to ten minutes late.

I could see her there, but not with me. Not with the guy who had dyed green hair and a dorky grin on his face as he attempted to flirt with her all the time. No, I could see her there with someone like Ashton. Someone who takes care of her, holds her hand underneath the table, and looks preppy. Ashton wasn't preppy, but he knew exactly how to treat a girl. Maybe that's why Megan stayed with him for so long.

I rubbed my face, tired of thinking so much. The guys weren't supposed to be the ones overthinking everything. We were supposed to be the ones to go with the flow and wear the pants in the relationship.

"This was a terrible idea," I shook my head, getting ready to turn on my heel. But it looked like fate had other plans as her eyes landed on me just as I was about to turn and leave.

A smile graced her thin pink lips as she lifted a hand to wave and yelled, "Michael!" As if I wasn't staring directly at her. For like ten minutes. Stop thinking.

I smiled back, but mentally kicked the shit out of myself. I shouldn't have done this. What if I got caught?

I sat down in the seat across from her and took a sip from the cup of water in front of me. I could see her shirt clearly now and noticed that it didn't have a pocket. It had a picture of two hands making the letters LA on it and underneath said Los Anjealous on a little banner thing. It was actually clever.

"I didn't really know what to get you," she said sheepishly with a shrug.

"No, it's fine. Sorry I'm so late," I replied and leaned back in my seat.

"I like your hair," she giggled to herself quietly.

"Thanks," I smiled, happy she had even noticed. Well, it would be hard not to. "Thought I would change it up."

"Don't you worry you'll go bald?" she asked, but I knew she was only teasing.

"All the time," I laughed.

"So do you want to share a pizza?" she asked as she scanned the menu. It was a sight to see. Her eyebrows scrunched together and she had her lips pursed.

"Yeah, what kind do you like?" I said. I looked away as her eyes lifted from the menu, acting as if I hadn't been staring at her like a creep.

"It's pizza. I'll eat any kind of pizza," she said and it was so serious that I couldn't help but laugh.

"What? Is there something on my face?" she asked and looked into the spoon that had been neatly placed on her napkin as if it were a mirror. I shook my head and she tilted her head to the side in question.

"Just the way you said it," I waved her off and she sighed in what seemed to be relief.

"Sorry, I just really like food," she said and I swear her cheeks were a tinted pink.

"Don't worry, I'm an absolute pig," I reassured her. "Oh, crap. I shouldn't of said that."

"You're adorable," she laughed. Her eyes widened and a very obvious blush spread across her cheeks. I didn't think she meant to say that out loud. She tried to play it off, as if she wasn't embarrassed.

"Oh, really?" I asked suggestively, wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

She looked down at her thumbs that twiddled together in a small dance. "Really," she said merely above a whisper.

I couldn't help myself. It was so wrong and way too fast for people who had really only spoken twice while they were shopping, but it felt like the right thing to do. I leaned in and pecked her lips softly. She immediately froze up and I regretted my actions, but her lips found mine once again in a little bit longer kiss. Her lips were a little chapped, but I felt so many sparks as they moved against mine. It was just how I had I imagined it would of been.

When I pulled back I saw the most satisfied grin on her face and I was sure I looked the same. "I've been wanting to do that," I said confidently. It was like one of those cheesy ass movies girls liked to watch, but I didn't care in that moment.

I felt a sudden rush of happiness and control. It all faded away when's eyes met familiar cerulean eyes. It was Luke Robert Hemmings staring at us from across the street. Riley followed my gaze, noticing the frown on my face. "You know him?"

I thought, more like hoped, for a second that he hadn't seen the kiss. "Yeah," I muttered, feeling frightened at the hard look on his face. He definitely saw. But something about his eyes caught me off guard. They didn't match the look on his face. They looked almost pitying.

I was so screwed.


that took way longer than I thought it would lol I knew what I wanted to happen but i didn't know how to frwaking write it.

was this ok? what do you think is gonna happen with the whole "Luke" incident??

thank you for being patient everyone!!

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