Wisdom Teeth (Team Free Will x Reader)

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Remember when I said I had watched videos of people when they're loopy last oneshot? Well, those videos inspired me to write this. On we go!


"Hey, (y/n/n).  How're you feeling?" Dean asked as he sat on a chair next to you.

You had a dazed expression on your face as you stared at a wall.  "I feel...amathing..." you drawled out around the gauze in your mouth.

Sam and Dean had to hold back chuckles when they heard you speak. Castiel had a slightly amused expression on his face as one side of his mouth rose up in a half smile.

"I justh...  I feel stho good righ' now..." you said slowly as you moved your head from side to side.

"Well, I'm glad you feel good," Sam said with a chuckle.

Suddenly, the woman who assisted in the removal of your wisdom teeth came in with a smile on her face.  "Good news!  (Y/n) can finally go home!"

Your gaze fell upon the woman as you squinted your eyes, asking, "How...how long unthil I have surgery?"

The woman giggled, who was quickly joined by the boys chuckling, as she replied, "You already had surgery!"

Your eyes widened in surprise, causing the boys to laugh quietly. "Really?!" you asked, shocked.

The woman nodded with a smile. "Yes. Now let's get you up so we can get you to your car."

After successfully getting you into the back of the Impala, Dean and Sam got in the front while Castiel sat in the back with you. Dean started the car, making her purr before he put her in drive.

AC/DC was playing throughout the car, and you sat there, swaying to the music for a while, not saying a word. When you did, however, decide to speak, you whined, "Change the sthathion...!"

"No, (y/n). I'm not changing the station," Dean replied firmly.

"But Deaaaann..." you complained.

Sam turned to his brother and argued, "You know, she could do something funny if you do."

"I agree with Sam," Castiel added. "(Y/n) is more likely to do something unusual as she is in this state."

Dean hesitated for a moment before sighing and flipping through channels, gauging your reaction through the rear view mirror to see which one you liked.

You suddenly gasped. "This one! This one!"

Dean took his hand away from the dial and put it back on the wheel. He glanced at Sam with an annoyed expression when a song came on, but his expression quickly changed to one of amusement when you began to sing to it. Quite horribly, might I add.


Castiel chuckled as he watched you, and the Winchester brothers couldn't hold back their laughs as they listened.

When the song ended, you looked at Castiel. "Hey, Cath...! When did you get here?"

The angel gave you a confused smile as he replied, "I've been here the whole time, (y/n)."

You gasped and moved closer to him. "No way!"

Once you guys made it back to your current motel, Sam and Castiel escorted you into the room. Dean got the supplies out of the Impala before following behind.

When he got inside and shut the door, he saw that Sam and Castiel had sat you against the headboard of your bed. You were currently moving your hand to and from your face, watching it in fascination as it touched your nose before moving away.

Sam and Castiel were sitting on the side of your bed, watching you closely. They didn't want to miss anything funny or weird you might pull.

Dean just chuckled softly and set down the supplies on the table before moving to the couch. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

You began to scream, which caused all of the boys to jump. Dean ran and grabbed his gun while Sam rushed to get his knife. Castiel made his angel blade appear, and the three men circled around you to keep you from harm.

"What's wrong? Did you see something?" Dean asked frantically.

You were quiet for a moment before you began to giggle. "Don't worry guyths. Ith wasth jus' the TV..."

The boys sighed and got rid of their weapons. "Geez, (y/n). You really scared us," Sam commented.

You gave him a confused look. "How did I scare you?"

Castiel simply replied, "You screamed."

You let out an airy laugh. "No I didn't... You guyths are weird... Hey, have you guyths ever tasthed the color orange? Because I like blue..."

Dean sighed. "Okay, I think you should get some sleep. You're just talking crazy now."

"But I've never got to tasthe purple... I wanthed to try ith..."

Soon, your eyes began to droop, and you quickly fell asleep on your side. The boys all let out a sigh of relief, until Sam spoke up.

"Just wait until she wakes up. She'll be really sore by then because the laughing gas would have worn off."

"Ugh, great."

"You two do know that they gave us painkillers for her, right?"

"Shut up, Cas."

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