A Very Supernatural Christmas (Team Free Will x Reader)

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Semester exams are over and I'm in a good mood, so I'm going to give you guys an early Christmas present that's super long! Yay!  This was based on a tumblr post.

And (once again) thank you SamtheDanosaur for the Supernatural pillowcase! I love it!

*Note: This doesn't take place in the Supernatural universe. You are a fan of the TV show*


Your eyes fluttered open and you sighed as you rubbed your eyes and stretched.  You slowly sat up in your bed and glanced at the clock.  Half past nine, you thought.  Well, Merry Christmas to me...

You slid out of bed and put some house shoes on, not even bothering to change out of your (f/c) pajama pants and black Supernatural t-shirt.

You would have gotten dressed if you had any plans with anybody, but sadly you didn't.  You inherited your parents house when they went mysteriously missing, and you had barely enough money to get by on from work.

When asking your coworkers and friends if they wanted to come over to your place to celebrate the holidays with, they all stated that they had to travel home for the holidays to be with their family.  So that's why you were alone and (although you would never admit it) a little sad.

You slowly shuffled to the kitchen to make yourself some hot chocolate, not even bothering to look into your living room yet.  Once the milk was warming up in the microwave, you went to the living room to turn the TV on.  However, you stopped moving as you stared in shock at what was sitting beside your Christmas tree.

"Oh, good!  You're finally awake!"

You blinked a couple of times as you continued to stare at the one who spoke.  He had shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes.  He also wore a lot of plaid and had a plastic bow on top of his head.  Jared Padalecki?  I mean, I know I live in Texas but....what?

You finally snapped out of your trance when you realized that you probably looked like crap.  You rapidly ran your hands through your hair to try to get all of the knots out of it.

"No, your hair looks fine," the one who looked like Jensen Ackles said with a chuckle.  He also had a bow on top of his head.

You slowly took your hands away from your hair and gulped.  The room went silent for a moment as no one knew what to say.

The one who looked like Misha Collins cleared his throat and said awkwardly, "I like your pajamas."

You had to glance down at your sleep attire to remind yourself what you were wearing.  Jared and Jensen also looked at your clothing.

"A fan of the book series, I see," Jared said as he nodded towards your shirt.

You looked back up at him with a confused expression.  "Books?  Don't you mean the TV show?"

Jensen hit Jared's arm as he said, "Dude, Cas took us to the alternate universe where it's a TV show; not books."

"Woah, woah, woah," you began as you waved your hands around.  "Cas?  Don't you mean Misha?"

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