Earth Angel (Balthazar x Reader)

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Thank you SPN_GothGirl for suggesting this!

Song:  Earth Angel by Death Cab For Cutie


Balthazar had flashed himself into the motel you and the Winchesters were currently staying in.  He brought a bottle of wine and two wine glasses to drink from.

"Happy one year anniversary," he purred with a smile.

You smiled too and walked over to him.  "Happy anniversary," you said before you have him a chaste kiss.

"Ready to celebrate?" Balthazar asked as he popped open the bottle and began to poor some of the dark purple liquid into each glass.

You took a glass from him as you said, "You bet I'm ready."

You were happy that the boys were out at a bar tonight, leaving the room all to yourself and your boyfriend. They knew how important this anniversary was to you, so they agreed to leave and not come back until later tonight.

You lead Balthazar over to the couch before you made him sit down on said furniture.

"So," Balthazar began, "what movie did you have in mind?"

You turned around when you couldn't help the small smirk that graced your lips as you reached for a movie. "I was thinking this?" you suggested as you turned around and showed him said movie.

Balthazar groaned, "Ha ha. Good joke, (y/n). We're not watching Titanic."

You giggled as you tossed the movie back onto the coffee table. "I know," you said with a laugh. "I was actually thinking that we could watch (f/m)."

"Perfect," Balthazar replied with a smile.

You quickly put the movie in and sat on the couch next to Balthazar.  You two cuddled close together as the movie began.

Once the film ended, you stretched and got off of the couch.  You put the movie back into its respectful case before turning around and asking your boyfriend, "So, what else did you have in mind?"

Balthazar grinned and stood up.  He walked towards you before gently touching your cheek with his hand.  In a flash, you were no longer in the motel room.  You were in an open field with small hills here and there.  You turned around a couple of times in awe at the beauty of it all before your eyes landed on Balthazar.

"This place is so beautiful, Balthazar!" you said, breathless.

"Only the best for my angel," he replied with a smile.

He then held out his hand for you to take, which you did without hesitation.  He led you to a checkered blanket on which a picnic basket sat, along with a cooler filled with drinks and a few other goodies and a radio.

You both sat down as he began to serve you lunch.  He handed you a plate with a (favorite kind of sandwich) on it before pulling out a bag of (favorite chips).  He then grabbed a few various fruits, (favorite candy), and (f/d) from the cooler.

"Bon appétit!" Balthazar exclaimed.

You couldn't help the giggle that slipped out of your mouth as you took a bite of your sandwich.  You made a sound of satisfaction.  "This is really good!"

Your boyfriend smiled before taking another bite of his own sandwich.  You two finished your sandwiches and snacked on chips and fruit.

Suddenly, Balthazar stood up and held out a hand.  "Care to dance?"

That was when you heard what song was playing.

It was the song that you and Balthazar danced to on your first date.  He had taken you to a fancy party, and everyone was dressed in elegant gowns and tuxedoes.  You had tried to convince Balthazar that you were tired, but he managed to get you out on the floor anyway.  You didn't regret it a single bit.  It was the exact opposite; you were happy that he pulled you out to dance with him.

You grinned and took his hand in yours as he helped pull you up off of the ground.  Soon, your arms were around his neck while his wrapped around your waist.  You two swayed back in forth, him spinning you a couple of times.

All you could hear was the music as you gazed lovingly into his eyes.  Balthazar grinned and, with a snap of his fingers, changed both yours and his clothes.  You wore the exact same clothes that you wore on your first date with him.

You wore a (f/c) dress that fit your body perfectly, hugging your curves nicely.  You wore a silver necklace your mother had given you when you were little, along with a bracelet to match.  Balthazar wore his tuxedo, a small grin on his face.

As the song came to an end, he quietly sang the last words so that only you could hear, though no one was around.

"Earth angel, earth angel: please be mine?
My darling dear, love you all the time.
I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you..."

You smiled and leaned up, kissing him softly on the lips.  He eagerly returned the kiss before pulling away.  "You're my earth angel," he whispered.

You just let out a quiet giggle before you pecked him one more time.  When you pulled away, you suggested, "How about we have dessert now?"


Once again, thank you SPN_GothGirl for the idea!  And guys, if you have any suggestions, whether it be for a oneshot, short story, or whatever, just let me know!  You can go on my page and see the other fandoms I'm in.  If you have a suggestion for one that you see, don't be afraid to tell me.

Until next time, my angels!


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