Broken Bones (Dean x Reader)

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Dean looked at you from the hospital bed, giving you a pout.  "C'mon," he whined.  "I wanna go already."

You sighed and crossed your arms as you told your impatient boyfriend, "I'm sorry, Dean, but we have to wait for the doctor's consent.  They should be letting us know soon."

As if on cue, the doctor walked into the room, accompanied by a nurse who carried a set of crutches.  "Good news, Mr. Johnson," the doctor began with a smile.  "You are free to go."  He turned to you as he added, "Make sure he gets plenty of rest, takes his medication, and doesn't use his leg too much."

"I will," you said with a nod, giving the doctor a bright smile.  You turned around to see that the nurse was helping Dean, who was slowly getting used to his crutches.  "You ready?"

"Of course," Dean said as he gave you one of Sam's bitchfaces.  "What do you think I've been pestering you about for an hour?"

Rolling your eyes, you quickly bid the doctor goodbye and began to assist Dean out of the building by holding doors open for him. Once outside, Dean made his way to the Impala with you hot on his heels.

"Oh, it's good to see you again, Baby," Dean said as he set an affectionate hand on the Impala's hood.

He then proceeded to get into the driver's seat, and you immediately protested, "Oh no you don't! You have to get into the passenger's side."

Dean whined and was about to argue, but you gave him a look that shut him up quickly. He sighed and scooted over, letting you sit in the driver's seat.

"Just be careful with her," Dean said as he patted the dashboard. "She's been very good to me."

You couldn't help the smile that adorned your face as you rolled your eyes. "I know, Dean."

~Timeskip (Brought to you by the Phantomhive residence)~

"(Y/n), I'm boooooorreeed," Dean whined loudly as he shifted on his bed.

You had made it safely back to the bunker just minutes ago, and Dean was already complaining. You sighed and quickly finished putting a snack together for him before rushing to his room.


"I'm coming!" you called, making your steps faster.

You let out a breath as you reached his room before setting the small tray of snacks on his lap. Dean began to eat as he stared at his cast with a disgusted look. His gaze then shifted to you.

You giggled and curtsied as you teased, "What would His Majesty like me to do?"

Dean just rolled his eyes and gave you a smile as he swallowed his snack.  He tilted his head as he asked, "Could you bring your laptop in here so we can watch movies and cuddle?"

You laughed and said, "I never would have pictured Dean No-Chick-Flick-Moment Winchester to ever say the word cuddle, but sure."

Dean gave you a pout and threw a chip at you, which you caught with a smirk and ate, saying, "Now, now, you shouldn't waste food."

You laughed at his defeated expression and walked out of his room.  Shuffling into the library, you retrieved your laptop and made your way back to his bedroom.  Dean had already set the tray aside on his nightstand and was eagerly awaiting your return.

You snorted and shuffled over to the bed before laying down beside Dean. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you opened your laptop and quickly started a movie.

About halfway through the movie, Dean complained, "I have to go to the bathroom..."

You placed a hand on your head and sighed, "Oi..."

Pausing the movie, you set the laptop aside and slid off of the bed.  Helping Dean up, you let him use you instead of his crutches to lean on as you lead him to the bathroom.  Once inside, you let him steady himself on the sink before walking out of the small room and closing the door behind you.

"Call me when you're finished," you said before strolling into the library for the time being.

A few minutes later, you heard Dean call your name, so you got up from your chair and walked to the bathroom.  After leading Dean back into the bedroom, you two got situated like before and continued the movie.

You soon found yourself slowly getting tired as your eyes fluttered slightly.  You rested your head against Dean's chest subconsciously and closed your eyes as you fell into a peaceful sleep.

Dean noticed that you had fallen asleep as the credits of the movie began to appear on the screen.  He smiled and stopped the movie, closed your laptop, and carefully set it on his nightstand without jostling you too much.  You sighed in your sleep at his movements, but that was it.

Dean was glad that you had suggested to turn the lights off in his room earlier.  Now he didn't have to get up to turn them off or wake you up to do it for him.

He carefully situated himself so that he was laying down on his pillow with you still on his chest.  He rubbed your back slowly and messed with your hair as he tried to fall asleep.  He looked down at you once again and gazed at you for a moment before kissing the top of your head.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."


Oh. My. GOSH.

Okay, so I just finished Black Butler II and I can't function right now.

Okay, so I just finished Black Butler II and I can't function right now

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

**Spoilers!  If you don't want any, then please skip!**

Like, I can't believe Ciel became a freakin' demon!  What the heck?!  I mean, I guess I'm okay with that but then it just ENDS.  And he just faked his death by sending those cards to all of his friends and UUUGGGGGGGHH!!  It just ended so abruptly!  And I really wanna see Sebastian's true form from season one but of COURSE they don't show it!

**End of spoilers**

Ugh I need a hug!  I wanna hurry up and watch the third season, but I also wanna wait until it comes out in the English dub!

Do you guys have any Sebastian x Reader fics that you would recommend?  If so, please comment because I'm in serious need of a good read to help my feels.  (Just please, no lemons)

And do you guys have any requests?  I'm in dire need of some ideas!

Love you guys!


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