The Reveal (Sam x Reader)

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This is the continuation of Little Notes. If you chose Sam as your Valentine, here you go!

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


"I see you've been getting my messages," a voice called out.

You jumped slightly, startled, and whirled your body around to see—


A grin spread across your face as your eyes widened in delight.  He looked at you with a grin and said, "Surprise!"

He held out his arms, and you ran into them, wrapping your arms around his neck as his went around your waist.  He spun you around and you laughed.

Once he set you down, you looked up at him with a smile, your arms wrapped loosely around his neck.  "I should've known it was you, but you really threw me off with the pie note."

"I knew that would get you confused," he chuckled.  Once he stopped, he looked at you with a small smirk.  "Now..."

He let go of you and turned around to grab something out of a bag.  When he swiveled back to face you, you couldn't help the small groan as you saw a blindfold in Sam's hands, though a smile was present in your face.

"Really?" you questioned with playful exasperation.  "I have to be blindfolded?  Haven't I had enough surprises for one day?"

"C'mon!" he whined, playing along with you.  "It's just one more surprise!  Then that's it, I promise!"  He threw you his sad puppy eyes.

You stared back at him with the same intensity, though you knew you were gonna lose.  No one could resist those eyes.  "Ugh, fine," you sighed, giving in.

He smiled and shuffled up to you, wrapping the blindfold around your eyes and tying it so that it was just tight enough but not too tight.  You heard him step back a little to look at you, and he ordered, "No peeking."

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