12| Wing Woman

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Dressed to kill, Alyssa set out to one of the local bars for some distraction following her fight with Eva. She'd had a good cry, a long hot shower and decided to head out for a drink and dancing to burn off a good mad.

She wound through the room, working her way towards the bar, more than a couple heads turn in her direction, making eye contact and giving her the 'come-hither' nod. But she wasn't interested in being called over like a poodle, especially since she was rolling solo tonight and without someone to stand as a buffer against the douches. So she kept her gaze moving, never making direct contact because that was a guarantee to open up the door for them to approach her.

Leaning against the bar, Alyssa hooked her elbows on the polished walnut, her eyes scanning the room. It was rammed with bodies. Some corporate and trendy, others more casual and not dressed to impress. But one thing everyone had in common was they were all looking for a fun; an easy night to burn off some steam.

For some people, like Alyssa, that meant stepping out for a few drinks and a lot of dancing. For others...it meant something else entirely.

And then she saw him, Ethan sat in a corner booth wearing a leather jacket over a dark shirt. Brows drawn in a dark, brooding look as he sipped from his beer and a little snarl of interest curled in her belly. He looked sexy, even with that miserable sulk on his handsome face.

Exuding a very distinct 'don't bother me' vibe. An interesting contrast to the general tone of the crowd. She hadn't expected the nightlife on Haven to be this promising. The interior of the establishment was equal parts glossy and rough, kind of like Officer Davies, she mused. With his classic good looks and casual way he carried himself. There was no pretense with him. He dressed comfortably, simply—without thought to convention or trend or style.           

Alyssa raised a hand to flag down one of the three bartenders, all racing to keep up with the rush of patrons. And hadn't been there more than thirty seconds when the guy at her side grazed a finger along the curve of her bicep.

"Hey gorgeous, can I buy you a drink?" he said, breathing in her ear. Turning around, Alyssa rolled his hand off her arm and was about to speak up when her gaze was pulled back to Ethan, pinned by a couple of women and an expression of stark terror on his face. Hell, the redhead was practically in his lap.

"So what's it gonna be?" The guy pressed when she'd failed to respond with either a 'Yes' or 'Get lost'.

Alyssa swung her gaze to him, noted the gleam of his eyes, the way his tongue grazed the edge of his teeth. He wasn't a bad looking dude. And despite his approach, certainly not the worst offender she'd come up against. Had she not seen Ethan first, there was a very real possibility Alyssa might have taken the easy mark, but as it was—she had seen Ethan.

Aside from the misery loving company, she'd hung out with enough men to know when a wing woman was needed, and since he'd been kind enough to step in during her moment of need the other day, Alyssa figured it was only fair she'd return the favour.

"Sorry, doll," she said, flashing her best smile. "I've got to go rescue my man over there." The guy followed Alyssa's nod towards Ethan. Smirked.

"Those chicks got nothing on you, babe. He's a lucky guy."

"That he is." Adjusting herself, Alyssa sauntered over, clearing across the dance floor and through the dense throng of bodies with all the smooth efficiency of someone used to navigating the bar scene.

"There you are," she smiled as Ethan's gaze latched to her, his panicked expression rapidly warming with relief. "Sorry I'm late. But you know what they say about perfection." Winking, she turned to her left, as if suddenly seeing the two women for the first time.

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