26| Blaze of Glory

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Alyssa woke early, rising with the sun. A bad habit too deeply entrenched in her body to break, no matter how late she'd gone to bed the night before. And it had been very late. Ethan lay next to her, his breathing slow, deep and even. She watched the rise and fall of his back, was almost tempted to reach up and brush away that wisp of dark hair from his brow. He looked so peaceful. So at ease in the comfort of the home he'd grown up in, surrounded in the warmth of familiarity in a way she'd never seen him before.

A hint of sunlight glinted on the frosted window glass and fractured, like light through a crystal, scattering colour across his skin. Rising from the bed, the room cozy with warmth, Alyssa dressed quickly and quietly, casting him a smiling glance as she slid out into the hall.

Someone was up, she realized, scenting coffee on the air. But found the kitchen quiet. Empty. The light flashed on the brewer and she poured some into a mug from the dish rack. Topped it with some cream and sugar. Movement out the windows caught her eye and Alyssa turned to see a shape moving out in the yard, towards the greenhouse.

Lottie opened the door and disappeared inside. Tapping her nails against the curved edge of her mug, Alyssa set it aside and quickly poured out a second mug, hoping that Ethan's mom wouldn't object to cream and sugar—since it had sat readily on the counter. Filling a thermos, Alyssa shrugged on Ethan's heavy coat, hefted both mugs and the coffee and swung open the back door.

Cold blasted in a hard slap that had her gasp. Ice coated the windows, dusted the ground so when she stepped out onto the back veranda and crossed the lawn, she could hear the crunch of it under her shoes. Feel the bite of it in the air.

Grateful for the warm thermos, Alyssa trudged to the greenhouse, maneuvered the handle with her elbow and nudged it open. Warmth pushed over her as she stepped inside and the door neatly swung shut behind her. She'd never been inside one before—and certainly not one this large. Shelves ran around the perimeter walls, each lined with trays filled with budding seedlings under tracks of UV lighting.

The center was carved out into squares, each rioting with vegetation—plump tomatoes spiraled up lattice, leafy heads of kale—in every variety Alyssa could think of, the tops of carrots, onions and garlic. The other half of the garden was divided with rows of potted flowers, growing bushes and towards the back were a trio of citrus trees, behind which Lottie poked out her head, pewter curls tucked beneath a knit cap. She'd taken off her coat, had her sleeves rolled up and wore a pair of bright purple gardening gloves that stopped at the elbow.

"Ah, thought I heard someone. And you bring coffee. Aren't you a dear." Joining her, Lottie accepted a mug with a grateful smile.

"I got up early and thought maybe you could use a hand."

"Well I won't say no to that." She angled her gaze, soft blue eyes winking with humor. "I trust you slept well last night? You certainly look...rested."

Heat flashed up the back of Alyssa's neck and it had nothing to do with the humid temperatures of the greenhouse. There was no mistaking the teasing tone, or the message underneath it. She'd had sex with Ethan in his parent's home and his mother knew. Oh shit. "I...oh...Mrs. Davies I'm so sorry—" As her embarrassed blush deepened, Lottie tossed back her head with a playful laugh.

"Oh, my darling girl, he's a grown, healthy man and you're a grown, healthy woman. A bit of sex is a good thing between two consenting adults whom are clearly smitten. I'd be more offended if you thought you had to withhold for my sake." Looping an arm through Alyssa's, Lottie led her through the narrow pathways between garden beds. "Ethan was always a keep to himself sort. Didn't even lose his virginity until he was almost nineteen." She chuckled, pressing a soil dusted glove to her face. "Lord, he'd kill me for telling you, but I think you need to understand the sort of person he is. It takes him a long, long time to come out of his shell. Gets that from his grandfather. But once he does—he's breathtaking."

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