1 | - Give It To Me

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"Oh, Vinny. Oh, God. Oh, God--Vinny!" Toes curling, Alyssa gripped the armrest as the man between her legs worked his magic.

"That's my name, baby. Say it loud, say it proud."

Eyes closed, lip between her teeth, Alyssa's body seized as the vibrations rippled across delicate, sensitive nerves. They'd been at it for hours and honestly, she didn't know how much more she could stand. "Oh, God, Vinny. Please, I can't--I need a break."

"Almost done," he murmured, and true to his word, pulled away and sat up. Brow glistening with the sweat of effort, his eyes locked to her naked breasts, and held a moment before pulling up to meet hers. Glowing with pride. "You ready, babe?"

An edgy mess of feeling, releasing her lip, Alyssa smiled. Nodded. "Yes. Yes, give it to me."

Vinny's smile flashed revealing gold capped teeth in a wide grin. "Love it when you talk dirty." And whipped up a large, oval shaped hand-mirror. "I think this is my best work yet."

Accepting the mirror, Alyssa angled the reflection down so she could take in his masterpiece: a couple of stunning nipples in a creamy tone that made her think of nutmeg sprinkled atop a foamy latte. The reconstructive surgery had given them shape, but Vinny...Vinny brought them to life.

"The redness will dissipate," he said, rolling away on his stool to set aside his tattoo gun to be cleaned and sterilized for his next patron. "And the taupy browns will mellow out to match your golden undertones. The effect will be subtle and stunning. I challenge anyone to know that these puppies are tattoos and not the real deal."

"They're gorgeous, Vinny." And she meant it. The shape delicate, small. Perfect. Far superior than what she'd had before. The image in the mirror blurred as Alyssa' eyes ran hot with tears.

Vinny's face, kind and covered in thick, bold streaks of Maori tribal ink, fell. "Oh baby doll, come here," he said, and draped her shirt over her generous bosom before gathering her into a warm hug. "There," he soothed, stroking a hand over her hair as she wept into his shoulder. "No need for tears, baby doll. The magic's done. You're whole again."

Sniffing, Alyssa brushed at her face, mopping up the wet trail of happy tears. "It's such a small thing," she said through sobs, cupping her breasts. Weighing them. "Such a small, stupid little thing. I didn't know it would mean so much."

Vinny skimmed calloused thumbs over her cheeks, pressed a comforting kiss to her brow. "Nothing small about it. You were robbed, baby doll, the day cancer took your breasts. Thanks to me and a killer surgeon, you now have a set that'll rival the best of nature anywhere in the world."

Walking her through the after care, Vinny wrapped her chest in cellophane to protect the area and doling out tubes of anti-bacterial moisturizer, printed pamphlets.

"Take the wrap off after five hours," he said, folding his hands in his lap while Alyssa pulled her sweater overhead. "Wash the area immediately, but gently. Stay out of extreme heat, or extreme cold, wash the area gently and moisturize often. Any questions or concerns, call my shop and we'll take it from there."

"How long until they're fully healed?" Alyssa asked, sliding her arms through the sleeves.

"'Bout a week, two at most. It's a small area and I can see your skin took the ink well. Not too much inflammation or irritation. Your body was made for tattooing, doll. And you sat like a stone. Working on a non-flat surface is a nightmare and stretched out the process. Anytime you wanna sit for a full sleeve or partial back, I'm down."

Smiling, Alyssa rose, adjusting the hem of her shirt around her waist. "Thanks, but with these and that little token you gave me," she said, casually brushing the back of her neck, "I think I'm good for ink. For now at least."

Healing Haven - Book 2 in Haven Series [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now