Life doesn't come with a happy ending

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For those of you who have shared in my journey with me, I promised an update and here it is: 

I'm at work as I write this. 

Words cannot express my anger, rage and frustration right now.

Hope has been ripped from me. Years of waiting - of clinging to the possibility that one day I'd be reunited with my sister once her stalker sentenced and locked away for good - is shattered. Our justice system has failed in the most brutal way - and now I know my sister can never come home.

Because the bastard is getting out in April.

He will be free to walk the streets and my life will forever be empty and hollow with the loss of my sister and my nieces.

And with him being free, I'll have to rethink my own life because who knows what he'll try next. Who he will target now that the object of his obsession is beyond his reach?

I want to scream. I want to cry. I want this nightmare to be over. And now it won't.

Guys - give me strength. Give me something.

Because I can't.

Today, I just can't.

Healing Haven - Book 2 in Haven Series [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now