21| Taking Initiative

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With Ethan gone, Alyssa turned to her pile of stuff on the couch and carted it back to the table.  Setting the items out, she smoothed out the wrinkled floor plans and sorted through her pages of drawing and notes. Her thoughts in constant flux.

It was one thing when she'd been drafting it alone, away from anyone seeing or knowing what she was up to. But another matter entirely now that it had been dragged out into the open, so to speak, with Ethan. He'd seen it and however much she'd tried to play it off as nothing, he knew. The man had laser vision that could cut straight through the bullshit with everyone except himself. A point she'd had to drive home last night, and smiled smugly, for the millionth time that morning, for a job well done.

Whatever it is, you should show it to Eva. Ethan's words echoed back to her and a shiver of anxiety flashed across her skin. Could she? Should she? Growing up, Alyssa had always been quick to step in with her sister, catching her mistakes, fixing her errors—always a step behind to make sure everything worked out. And as she'd come to learn since their reunion, Eva had worked hard to carve out identity and sense of independence. A fact Alyssa had to admire and respect, so wouldn't this contradict that? Impede that growth and discovery of self?

Whatever it is, you should show it to Eva...

Her phone hummed and Alyssa snatched it up to see a message from her sister.

Her phone hummed and Alyssa snatched it up to see a message from her sister

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            Angling her wrist, Alyssa noted the time. Followed up with a quick reply:


Eva's response chime a second later

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Eva's response chime a second later.

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