24| Out Of Focus

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Alyssa stood before the mirror in her bedroom, angling left than right. She'd picked out a new dress yesterday while shopping on a whim. A stunning one of a kind strapless number that started in deepest black at the top and shimmered out into dazzling silver at the hem. Crystals and metallic detailing created shape and movement and made her think of stardust in a night sky.

Her hair had grown over the last couple of weeks, now grazing the tops of her shoulders and Alyssa decided she liked the growth, running a curling iron and finger combing for a sexy, tousled beach wave. She kept her makeup minimal, opting for a dramatic sweep of liner to accentuate her almond shaped eyes, and a deep plum for her lips.

Simple but full of impact.

And wondered what Ethan was going to think when he got a look at the final result. And why did merely thinking about that gleam in his eyes make her belly flutter, she wondered, pressing a hand to stomach. Tonight they were going as a couple. Stepping out for the first time together, in front of everyone. And that, coupled with the sound of the shower running, the wisps of steam escaping the crack in the door and the low rumble of his voice as he sang along to Cold Play...all did something to her. Something both thrilling and terrifying.

He'd come over a little later than expected but in the end that had probably worked best, letting Alyssa have a comfortable window to enjoy the female ritual of getting ready without interruption of pressure.

Alyssa brushed her hands over his suit she'd laid out on the bed. A deep navy with a hint of silver in the thread. In her mind she could imagine how his body would fill out the seams—broad shoulders narrow waist, the thick strong muscles of his legs...and if she kept that up, they'd never make it to the party. The shirt was white and she'd paired it with a grey tie she'd purchased while in the same boutique as her dress.

Another touch that felt oddly intimate. Personal.

She hadn't thought so at the time but now, standing there, with Ethan in her shower and his suit on her bed, it all rang of a couple falling into a comfortable rhythm. Tucking her nerves aside and thoughts aside, Alyssa left the bedroom and went to her laptop to put a few finishing touches on her speech for tonight. She'd only hit print when Ethan stepped out, dark hair gleaming and suit immaculate. The silver tie draped around his neck.

"Do you mind?" he asked, stroking the ends. "I've never been any good at this."

"Sure," she said and stood up to move to him when something flashed across his face, stopping her cold. "What?"

Spellbound, there was no other word for it, Ethan thought as he stood there dazzled. Mesmerized. He probably should be annoyed, or worried, that every time he saw her she had this breathtaking impact—where his heart swelled and squeezed tight between his lungs, making it hard to think. To breathe. But right now, in this moment, he couldn't process anything beyond her.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, and watched as a flush of colour rose to her cheeks, as it always did when he complimented her.

"You're not looking too bad yourself, Sheriff." She came to him, a slow winding kind of prowl that made his blood hum. "Here." Her hands brushed his aside and carefully, wound and twisted and knotted the fabric into a perfect Windsor knot.

Because she was here and close and because he really wanted another taste of her, Ethan bent his head and pressed his lips to hers. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." 


Her smile fluttered, but otherwise didn't fall. "Me? No way. I was born ready."

He smirked at that. "We should get going. I promised Jenelle I'd have you there for seven. She'll castrate me if we're a minute late."

Healing Haven - Book 2 in Haven Series [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now