14| Be Fearless

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Still hot and sweaty from the dance floor, Alyssa welcomed the refreshing hit of the night breeze. Though seasonably crisp and cool, it was refreshing and she let it wash over her, waking her senses, slapping her sober. At the curb, she stuck out an arm for a cab. Thankfully this side of the town was busy with bars and late night traffic so it wasn't long before a marked vehicle pulled toward her.

When it rolled to a stop, she reached for the door when an arm stuck out and pulled it open.

"I thought you had to stay behind?"

"They've got it covered," Ethan said, brushing his hair away from his face. The dark layers disturbed by the wind. At the sight of him, Alyssa's stomach rolled with a giddy, female flutter. All nerves and anticipation.

He nodded to the backseat. "Get in."

Doing as she was told, Alyssa employed slow, even breathing as Ethan slid in after her, the weight of his thigh resting solidly against hers. He gave the address to the cabin and the driver pushed off from the curb, gliding into the streets to merge with the thin rush of traffic. Pushing the tab on the door, the window whisked down a couple inches and air rushed in.

Reaching across her, Ethan toggled it shut. "You'll catch a chill," he said at the questioning arch of her brow. She was only wearing a leather jacket and this close to the water, the wind got a bit sharper. That made it a legitimate excuse and not just some lame reason to get closer to her.

And tried not to think about the way she smelled like citrus, beer and something utterly female and provocative. Or the way her hands were tucked her thighs, or, as she tipped her head back against the head rest with a sigh, eyes closed, how her lips seemed to almost beckon for a man's. Jesus, why had he listened to Carlos' manipulation?

The sooner he got her home, the better.

The driver cleared his throat with an apology and gestured up ahead where there the residential street was closed down. Orange pylons set out with signs indicating a broken water main had closed down the street, detouring traffic.

"Can take you back down Copeland over to Reese. It's a bit outta the way but I'm happy to do it," he offered, angling around in the driver's seat, nodding at Ethan.

"It's fine. We'll walk from here." Alyssa pulled out a couple of bills to cover the tab and left enough for a tip before Ethan could find his bearings. It was at least a couple minutes away from the cabin. Too far to let her walk on alone this late at night.

At a loss Ethan scuffed a toe on the asphalt as his safety net disappeared down the street and swung back towards the entertainment district to nab another fare.

"Wanna have a coffee at my place while you call a cab?" Alyssa tucked a wedge of dark hair, teased by the wind, behind her ear. The dark stripe of purple illuminated in the street light.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Calling another one was going to take him at least ten minutes to head out this way. Too long for him to sit out in the damn cold want wait, not that she needed to know that.

"Why?" she asked, circling around him. Her movements all lithe and feline. 

"Because it's late. Don't want to keep you up." 

She laughed at that. "Lighten up, Sheriff. Staying up a little past my bedtime won't kill me. "Least I could do since you're walking me to my door. Come on." Alyssa looped an arm casually through his, tugged him along. And he followed. As he had all bloody night. Jesus, like he could do anything else?

They fell into step together. Their pace slow. Almost meandering. Ethan Davies was taking a stroll. At two in the freaking morning, no less. After a night of drinking, pool and even dancing. Did wonders ever cease?

Healing Haven - Book 2 in Haven Series [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now