Author's Note - The End

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We've reached the end of Alyssa and Ethan's story. 


This was an emotional one for me. Both OUT OF FOCUS and HEALING HAVEN tap into an intensely personal part of my life that made writing Eva and Alyssa's story such a cathartic journey for me. 

For those who may not have seen the video I'd posted when SYTYCW15 was in full swing where I'd touched on the inspiration behind OUT OF FOCUS, here's a bit of back story.

I am a twin.

My twin had horrible luck with men.

One of those men turned out to be very dangerous. 

In short, she was taken into witness protection and I have not seen her in four agonizing years. There's not a day I do not miss here, where I do not feel the pain of my missing half that was ripped out of my life without warning. We had a tearful 15 minute phone call to say goodbye before the police took her away and out of my life. 

As I started thinking about her recently I wondered - what's her life like now? And that's where OUT OF FOCUS came to be. It is my wish that she's happy and finding love. I can't tell you how many tears I shed writing that book. When it was over - the natural question was to turn the light in the other direction and explore the sister who'd been left behind. Me. 

While Alyssa is her own person and definitely not a representation of who I am as a person (I'd have never left Ethan behind for a job LOL), it explores all my biggest fears regarding her rocky reunion with Eva and that reintegration into each other's lives after so many years apart. 

And the final showdown with Randy - I'm not gonna lie and say that a small part of me doesn't wish my real life Randy could meet a similar end. But, for now I'll just have to be patient and hope that the courts will lock him up for life and throw away the key so my sister can come home. 

To everyone who has been patient and supportive as I've wrestled with telling this story - THANK YOU. Your words, your comments, your constant support, love and feedback kept me going. I am honoured to have shared this deeply intimate and emotional part of my soul with you. 

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