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"Chocolate chip."

"No. Blueberry."

"Who likes fruit over chocolate?"

"Me." She laughed.

"You're weird." I said, biting into my muffin.

We were debating which muffin was better. She was insane...who likes blueberries? Double chocolate chip is my favorite. My mum made both blueberry and chocolate. She knows me, I can't live without muffins. For real. We just sat at the table, laughing and eating and stopping every few minutes to sip our orange juice.

"So, I thought of all the places in the mall we should go to." She smiles and I roll my eyes. "Oh hush you'll live. First we'll get Starbucks," I smiled at that as she continued. "Then go to Zara and TopShop to look for a dress and accessories. You can go to whatever store you want to."

"I'm from Canada so I have no idea what stores you guys have here." I said. She laughed and rolled HER eyes this time.

"You'll find somewhere." She said, sipping her juice.

We talked about stores they had we didn't and things we had that they didn't and it was fun.

"You guys don't have a Tim Horton's?!" I gasped a little.

"Never heard of it." She replied.

"How do you even live." I joke. "I can't wait till you come to Canada, you're going to think it's so much better." I stood up and started throwing away my stuff and she followed.

"Sureeee." She said as we walked back upstairs. "I'm showering so go occupy yourself."

"Geez let me make it to my room first." I laugh.

* 2 hours later *

"Why do girls take so long to get ready?" I ask, combing my wet hair and shaking it a bit.

"Well you don't have to blow dry your hair and put makeup on then straighten your hair to then properly curl it and pick out something decent to wear." She said, plugging in her curling iron after cleaning up her makeup.

"But you don't need makeup." I say.


She doesn't think she is, but she's beautiful. Even without all the stuff she puts on. She could have bags under her eyes and acne and I'd still think she was adorable.

I finished cleaning up and headed out of the bathroom to give her space.

I headed to my room and went on my phone till she was done.

"Ready?" She walks in, about ten minutes later.

I nod and grab my wallet, putting in my pocket. She gets her phone and purse and we both walk downstairs.

"Hey mum, we're heading out." I say as I try find her.

She walks out of the small laundry room the cabin already had and stand in front of us.

"Okay, text me when you're coming home." She said.

I nod and kiss her cheek. "Bye."

We hop in my car and buckle up.

"Your cars are so weird." She said, laughing.

"Tell me about it, it's nearly impossible to drive on the left hand side when the wheel is on the left." I reply.

"Why can't all cars just be the same?"

"I know right!" I laugh, pulling out of the driveway. "So, I found a cute place and I hope you haven't been there before. It's a really cute little ice cream shop and you're going to love it."

"Ooooo I'm excited!" She said and rests her arm on the middle console.

It was quiet for a second and before I stop myself, I took one hand off the wheel, grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. We both look at each other and smile.


When we finished getting ice cream and talking we drove to this little shopping center where they had the stores she wanted to go to.

She points to a store called Zara and says, "Here first!!"

I decided I would pay for her since she was kinda broke right now. But I haven't told her yet, so I'm going to hope she falls in love with something she can't afford with the money she bought so I buy her it. Is that mean? Or weird..?

After she picked out a few things that were on sale she headed towards the dressing room. I sat in a chair in front of the room she was trying them on in and she said she'd come out to show me. The first one was a maroon dress she said was called a "shift dress". I have no idea what that meant but it had a thick halter neck and reached just above her knees. She came out and I smiled. It looked really good on her. But I hated her making me choose.

"I love it." I said.

"I think it's cute it just looks awkward with my hair." I didn't know what she was talking about but I just agreed.

I thought everything looked good until the last one. The last one was like more than good. She looked stunning.

"I like this one the best." She said.

It was short and white and flared at the bottom with gold sequins aligned at the top of the neckline.

"Seriously this is my favorite."

"Really?" She asked, looking in the mirror and she smoothed it out around her stomach. She was so skinny but she thought she wasn't. "It makes me look fat."

"Alice don't say that. You're buying this one."

"Okay. You're right." She laughed and went back in the room to change. When we headed to the checkout after putting up the things she didn't want, she checked the tag.

"It's 20 pounds...I only brought 15." She sighed but I smiled. Perfect. "I'll go put it up and find something else.." she said, starting to walk.

I grabbed her hand and stopped her. "I'll pay. Do they take my currency?"

"No Shawn it's fine really."

"Um no you're getting this. It's something you really want so I'm paying for it."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine." I just smiled and took it to the cash register. After I checked out, we headed towards the doors.

"Now, what's next?" I asked, grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers.


I'm so excited because the next chapter will be New Year's Eve and I want it to be super long. Get ready :)))

Also i just wanted to mention that I know it's very unrealistic for Shawn to be able to just go out like that and not have anyone come up to him but this is a book soooo idrc lmao



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