thirty three

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Please go read my new shawn fanfic called 'internet friend'! I'm super excited. The main charachter's name is Stella and I'm just ashdjsksjd I love that name!!

Okay here's a long awaited chappie for ya :)




School had been awful. Lauren still doesn't know me. I still cry. And Shawn hasn't bothered to come to my house and properly apologize. Well part of me wanted him to apologize but at the same time I don't want to even be around him and I don't want to take him back. I'm still upset but I love him so much and I'm just really confused right now.

It was Wednesday evening around five pm and I just finished homework. Thank god.

"Hey mum." I mumbled as I walked out of my room, staring at my phone and scrolling through the many pleading messages Shawn has sent me.

"Heyyyy." She said. The radio was softly playing in the background as she chopped vegtables.

"What are we eating for dinner?" I asked and leaned against the counter, watching the knife.

"Chicken nood-" I cut her off when I heard my fav come on the radio. This is an old song tho?

"MUM TURN THIS UP!!" I scrambled, looking for the radio. I spotted it and put the volume on full blast. I love Drake. Oh and if you didn't think we listened to trap music in London, YOU WRONG!! But I'm in Canada now so they play it a lot more than we do.

"STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM NOW WE HERE!!" I sang to the lyrics, laughing hysterically and jumping around.

"You need chill." My mum said. Why do you think you're cool, mum?

"Never." I said and kept jumping and dancing around.

Then suddenly the doorbell rang and I kept dancing.

"It's probably just a package or something." I yelled over the music. My mum nodded and the song continued until the doorbell rang once again. Ugh what the heckie? My mum just started walking towards the door but I kept the volume all the way.

"Oh hey.." I heard and furrowed my eyebrows before walking to turn down the music. I then walked towards the exit of the kitchen and peeped my head out from behind the column that separated it from the living room.

"Who is i-" My heart stopped. I saw my mum awkwardly holding the door open and I felt tears swell up in my eyes.

"S-Shawn?" I whispered and walked over to him. My mum just walked away from the entrance and I still didn't let him in.

His eyes were still red and puffy and he looked so pitiful. I just wanted to give him a big hug and tell him everything will be okay. Seeing him like this still broke my heart.

"Alice I know you still hate me but please hear me out. It's been driving me crazy. These past days have been a living hell for me. I don't even know how I've been coping. I hate myself for everything I did to you. I'm so stupid for even hanging out with Lauren. I don't even talk to her at all because I feel so bad and I don't even want to be around her. And I would never hit you I don't know why I just got so angry and I'm just I'm so sorry..."

Tears were streaming down his flushed cheeks and his lips were chapped. He was shivering in the cold as he continued, his voice quivering.

"I love you so much and I just want you to know I'm always here for you. I understand you probably hate me forever but its killing me to be without you." He sighed and looked down.

My lip trembled and I felt myself start crying as well. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran over to him and lifted his chin up, standing on my tiptoes and kissing him. His cold lips met my warm ones and I felt the familiar butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't pull away. I got the sparks I longed for the days we were apart and I didn't want it to end. I wanted to hold on forever and never let go. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Shawn I'm driving myself crazy being without you." I said before hugging him tight. I warmed his freezing body with my warm arms and rested my head in his chest. "I know what you did was wrong and I'm still pissed but I can't keep myself from you.." I mumbled.

"I'm so sorry."

"Me too."

"So are we good?" He asked, pulling away. I sniffled and smiled.




I was so happy I finally got it off my chest. I finally gained the courage to properly say sorry to her. I'm so glad I did it because she's finally mine again. I don't even know why I started all this in the first place but I feel awful still. I can't believe she took me back honestly.

After we made up she invited me in and her mum finished making dinner. It was homemade chicken noodle soup!! I'M IN LOVE.

We were all snuggled up on the couch with blankets and the fire going since it was cold like everywhere. Even though we technically made up, she hadn't been talking much.

"Are you still mad?" I blurt out as we waited for our food.

"Hm? No." She looked up at me and smiled. I just felt awkward still.

"Alice I'm really sorry."

"I know I forgive you..."

"I feel like you still hate me." I sniffled, blinking away tears and forcing myself to not look at her gorgeous green eyes.

"Baby.." She whispered and I felt her staring at me. "I don't hate you. I know how bad you must feel and I forgive you."

"Okay." I sighed a little and finally looked up.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Saying those words again made me smile so much.

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