twenty two

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I heard a knock at the door, startling me from my position on the bed. I groaned and got up, heading towards the door.

"Oh, hey mum." I said, closing the door behind her. "Whatcha need?" I ask and I sit down on the bed closest to the door as she staying still in front of the door.

"Nothing just what time is the reservation? And why are you soaked?" I was still a little wet but not too wet to not be able to sit on the bed.

"Ummm, 7." I said and she looked at her watch. "Oh and it's a long story but we kinda went in the pool." I laughed.

"Oh okay well you guys have about six hours so why don't you offer taking her to the mall to get her a nice dress? The restaurant is pretty fancy." It's not that fancy...okay I'll admit it, I hate going to the mall. I sound like such a typical boy oh my god.


"K. Let me know if you need anything." She said, turning around. Should I tell her?

"Wait." I said, standing up as she turned back around.


"I just wanted you to know," Just then the water turns off. Ugh. "Me and Alice are kinda like, dating." I changed my voice to a whisper. A smile grew on my mum's face.

"What?!" She squealed, really loudly. I covered her mouth and shushed her. I pulled my hand away and she cleared her throat. "When did this happen?! That's awesome!!" She whisper-yelled.

"Like literally fifteen minutes ago. Now leave before she hears us!!" I said and she laughed.

"Okay, okay, have fun." She said and I rolled my eyes. I shooed her out and closed the door behind her.

"Who was that?" I heard before turning around. Alice was in the robe the hotel left for us and she was putting her hair in that towel thingy that girls do.

"Oh just my mum." She nodded and left the door open, but faced the mirror above the sinks.

I sat back down in my spot I sat in before and started scrolling through twitter again. I decided to tweet something about us.

'eeeek, its official! you guys can ship us now :) @alicexwarner'

Then I hear her walk out of the bathroom.

"What are we going to do for the next like six hours?" She said and joins me on the bed, still in her robe and hair towel. She's so pretty even without makeup...

"Well, I was thinking, I'll take you to get a new dress for tonight. On me. That work?"

"Shawn no you really dont hav-"

"But I want to." I smiled.

"Okay..." She rolled her eyes then pecked my lips. Why is she so cute?

Then she snuggles up next to me with her head on my shoulder and her eyes closed. Wait. She's only wearing a robe...

"Don't girls take a long time to get ready?" I ask and she doesn't even move.

"I guess." She mumbles.

"Then go get ready." I laughed a little.

"Noooo I don't feel like getting up." She mumbles again.

"C'mon babe," I said, squirming a little. She still remained in her spot.

"No." She said again. I swear, really Alice? Okay, I know I know I really would like for her to stay right next to me but I don't want her complaining about time later.

"5...4....3....2...." I started counting down like she was a dog or something. Wtf? "1..." I said and I stood up off the bed-which made her fall into the pillow-and made my way to her side. I wrapped my arms around her small waist and pulled her up. She squealed and started squirming to get out of my grip.


"That's what you getttt." I said and let her down. She stood in front of me then started leaning in to kiss me. God why does she have to do this? I kissed back passionately then pulled away.

"Ugh Alice stop stalling!!" I said, laughing.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and went back into the bathroom.

I returned back to my spot and kept scrolling. Wow I have no life.


Holy. Shit. I could do all the cute things any girl would wanna do with a guy. Okay not what you're thinking...I mean having tickle fights then ending up kissing and getting ice cream together and giving each other piggy back rides etc etc. I loved the feeling Shawn gave me. It's like I could be around him and be myself and act like he's my only best friend but also I could be the typical girlfriend who only wants to kiss him and cuddle while a movie is on. I freaking fell in love with him and I love myself for it.

"Ughhhh." I groaned really loudly as I struggled to find my mascara. If you were wondering, I always keep emergency makeup in my backpack.

"What's wrong babe?" Shawn asked from the bed.

"Uh nothing I just can't find my mascara."

"Oh." He laughed.

"Hey you don't know what it feels like so you have nothing to laugh about." He was just silent and I continued looking for it.

"Ah-ha!" I found it on the ground underneath the cabinet. "Found it." I said and I picked it up before applying it. I had just done some concealer and eyeliner since I don't keep a bunch in my backpack. After applying the mascara and curling my lashes I applied chapstick and checked the mirror. I then took my hair out of the towel and I ruffled it before running my fingers through the strands. Then I grabbed the hair drier that the hotel already had on the wall. I turned it on and started drying my dripping hair. My hair is pretty thick so it took a little while to dry. When it was almost completely dry I hooked the drier back on the wall and ran my fingers through my hair one more time. I parted it on the side and tucked the front pieces behind my ear. It's been about an hour since I showered so Shawn's probably bored. I walk out of the bathroom and start heading towards the bed.

"Hey you can get in the shower in a sec. I just gotta change." I said, looking down at my robe.

"Okayyy." he said, still looking at his phone.

I went back in the bathroom and changed into my still damp clothes. Then I walked out of the bathroom, again, and met Shawn right before the doorway. He smiled and kissed my cheek then disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the water turn on as I belly flopped onto the bed and dug my face into the comfy sheets. I just closed my eyes and thought about everything that made me happy.

- Shawn
- this hotel
- how good my hands smelled
- Shawn
- the fact that im going shopping and getting a dress I won't even have to pay for
- how fleek my eyeliner is today
- Shawn
- and oh did I mention Shawn?

Gosh I love him.

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