12-Blame (2 of 2)

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NP: Broken One by Ashes Remain

I don't need you,

but I need you to know that I need you so much.

Cause' I am, the broken one, the fallen son.

Rising to breathe in your touch


"Vincent?" With my eyes still scanning our surroundings, I slipped my arm into the fissure and fumbled for him. "We got company."

Grunting, he pulled himself out with his good arm. I tried to help him but he was more than happy to struggle in the dirt than accept it.

"What is it? Ethereals?" I asked Miu.

"Something more powerful," she answered. She whistled. The condor perched on her arm. "Get help," she said and the bird took to the air. "And Louise?" The bat on her shoulder squeaked. "Do your thing."

It flapped in circles over our heads with its mouth unhinged. I think it was doing some kind of supersonic thing. Once done, it hovered near Miu and squeaked.

"It's coming." Her dark pointed eyes trained in front of us as if there was someone there visible only to her. "You two, follow me."

With the Elementals flanking us, we tried to draught out of the woods. Before long, I heard another set of footsteps behind us. I glanced backwards and saw Adrianna.

"She's back," I told Vincent.

"Higasa!" Miu shouted. "Now!"

The lizard stopped right on cue. Dark froth dribbled from its mouth. Every drop hit the ground fizzing, killing every living thing near it before dispersing in the air as purplish smoke. The smell made my airways burn.

"Hold your breath," Miu warned, covering her nose. "It's poison."

The mist spread fast, swallowing Adrianna. Upon reaching the pathway to the castle, we stopped.

"Did it work?" I asked Miu.

"Not sure." She parted the red curtain of willow tendrils. "Higasa?!"

The lizard finally emerged out of the mist, dropping to the ground.

"Poor Higasa. Choked with his own venom," said Adrianna who suddenly appeared, dropping the already smoldering Louise to Miu's feet. Her cheeks bubbled and drooped down her jaws like melted wax. Her arms and legs were burned too, but they were healing faster than any immortal could. "We just wish you Reapers would stop using pets to do your work. We are vehemently against animal cruelty."

Miu tensed as the bat's remains fluttered away. "You witch!"

Adrianna smiled innocently as much as her gooey face would allow. "We did not come here to fight."

My hand automatically reached for the Helcium shard wedged in my boot. But then, I realized it was gone. I felt naked, having nothing to protect myself with.

"Yeah?" I mumbled. "Well, it doesn't look like you came to hug either."

Adrianna cackled with a voice that could have belonged to Liam Neeson. "We like her," said he. Or she. Hard to tell. "The boy! Get it. Get it. Quick!" said she, this time with an old-woman voice. "Enough!" she growled to herself.

Miu took advantage and threw five daggers at Adrianna. The first three hit her on the forehead, the stomach and right through her chest. She dodged the fourth and the fifth passed through her now ghostly form. As she started to become solid again, her wounds began to bleed. She began to cough and wheeze, grimacing as she started to pull the daggers out.

"Ow!" she groaned, pulling the last dagger out of her skull. She spat blood on the ground. "We're trying to start a decent conversation here!"

"What do you want?" I demanded, backing a half step away.

She let out an impatient sigh. "Well, you should have asked us that before this-" She suddenly appeared behind Miu. Next thing I knew, the tip of the dagger was already jutting out from the side of the woman's neck. "-pesky little bag of pests made us into her target practice."

Miu's eyes widened. Blood sputtered from her mouth and she made these gurgling sounds as if to beg for help. Her body shattered into pieces of glowing embers as it hit the ground. And then, there were fireflies.

I wanted to scream, but I seemed to have lost my voice. For the first time in a long while, I was terrified.

"Vincent, get out of here," I murmured through the corner of my mouth.

He gulped and shook his head.

"Calm down," she said in Adrianna's small but steady voice. "We just visited to see if you have already made a decision regarding our offer, Master Vincent. You and us, we will bring about great things."

The bewilderment in Vincent's face was enough to amuse her.

I nudged Vincent out of the way and tried not to shake. "Sorry, he's busy at the moment. Next time, set an appointment."

She gave me a lopsided sneer and snatched my neck. Even with her small frame, she had easily lifted me off the ground. I struggled and kicked to no avail.

"V-vince... Run!" I choked out.

As expected, Vincent stepped towards us. "Adrianna, I know you're still in there somewhere. Please..."

"Yes. I'm here, Master Vincent," replied she in the purest, gentlest voice, lifting her other hand to reach for Vincent. "I desperately need your help. They are... forcing me to do things. Please help me."

Only suffocating sounds came out of my throat.

Almost in a daze, Vincent stared at her hand. "How?" he rasped. "How can I help you, Adrianna?"

"Be my protector, Master Vincent. Do not let anyone harm me. You have failed before, but you can atone for everything."

His eyes were red around the edges. The desperation, the urge to give in was as good as written on his face. "But first, let her go."

"N-no," I whimpered.

In timing, a large condor swooped over Adrianna's head and began to peck her eyes. As her grip momentarily loosened, I wedged my knee into her stomach and rolled on the ground. I held my neck, groping for air.

Shrieking, she began to claw on the bird.

I swiped her feet from under her. Before we could both push ourselves upright, a large troop led by Miu's partner had already arrived to back us up.

They charged, scythes and Cataclysts drawn.

Adrianna slowly retreated, her brown eyes still fixed on Vincent. "Decide. Then call our name and we will come."

With a monstrous shriek, she draughted into the woods and jumped into the first Glitch that passed her way.



If you were chosen to be a familiar, whose familiar are you going to be and why?

Choose below:

Vincent, Vladimir, Cairo, Irvine, Cyrus, Darius, Rajinder, Pierre, Joaquim, Kyoshiro, Hector, Alexis or Maximilian?

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