38 - Beast

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I'm sorry you saw me breaking

But stay with me don't stray

God, I wish you  would hold me closely

Don't think I don't feel the same

...........................God, I wish I could love you

38 - Beast

We spent the evening sitting under the cherry trees in Sathariel's front yard. The house was very quiet since the rest of the inhabitants and the cabals stayed behind at the beach.

Vincent had been quiet, too, since finishing my portrait. He just held my hand while looking at the sky. After all that I had put him through, I didn't really expect him to bounce back to his usual bipolar self.

The moon was full and strangely bigger this time. Even in Halja, the Scarlet Woman kept plaguing our thoughts. And as the night grew deeper, I could sense Vincent's apprehension rising.

"If you weren't a Reaper, what would you be?" I asked him.

He thought for a while and let out a heavy sigh. "If you asked me that this morning, I'd say, a painter. But now... I don't know."

"If I weren't your familiar," I pretended to think before looking at him. "What do you think I'll be?"

He managed a bitter smile. "Alive."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What?" he faked a sullen laugh. "I told you. Crap happens to everyone I care about."

Until now, he was still blaming himself for everything. And he had to stop it. Frowning, I leaned over to his shoulder and bit him.

With a groan, he shook me off his shoulder. "Ow! What the fu--"

I flicked him on the nose before he could curse aloud. "What did I tell you about cursing?!"

"What did I tell you about biting?!" he retorted, flicking me back on my forehead. It was legit painful, mind you.

Glaring at him, I rubbed my forehead.

He let out an exasperated "Ugh!" before pulling me to his side and planting a kiss on my forehead. I was so surprised, I think my heart skipped a beat. My whole face grew warm, and all I could do to hide it was to look down.

"If... I weren't your familiar, I would be dead," I told him, my voice quivering. "And sad."

He lifted my chin with his fingers, forcing me to look into his eyes. It never ceased to amaze me how he could smile with just his eyes. And all that was for me.

"Then, if you weren't my familiar, I'd probably have to wait. And wait. And wait. Until I find you in your next life."



Somehow, I managed to smile. "Then... I'll be waiting, too, for you to come and find me."

He folded his arms around me and gently pulled me close to his chest. When he let go, he looked up at the moon again and said, "Let's go see my father."


I ground my teeth, watching the branding stake burn Vincent's arm. It made this hissing sound that made my scalp crawl.

Vincent's face contorted in pain, but he didn't make any sound. He didn't move as the glowing iron bit into his skin. Not like he could. His wrists, ankles and neck were in Helcium shackles, chained to the giant lodestone in the arena.

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